Air Fair 2017: WZL No. 2 To Provide Maintenance for the G550 Aircraft Acquired by the Polish Government

On the basis of a letter of intent, WZL No. 2 S.A. facility based in Bydgoszcz is going to initiate collaboration with the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation. As a result of the above, the Bydgoszcz-based entity is to acquire an ability to provide maintenance for two Gulfstream G550 airframes that are soon to be received by the Polish Air Force.
WZL No. 2 S.A. (Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze Nr 2 S.A.) facility based in Bydgoszcz, a part of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ), has been indicated by the Polish Ministry of Defence as an entity which, in the upcoming future, is going to remain responsible for maintaining the Polish Gulfstream G550 VIP aircraft. Transfer of the letter of intent that took place begins a collaboration between the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation company and the WZL No. 2 S.A. facility, which is to allow the Bydgoszcz-based entity to obtain ability to maintain the two Gulfstream G550 jets. The Polish Ministry of Defence announced that the first aircraft is to arrive in June, with the latter one arriving in July. The agreement assumes that both aircraft are not going to appear in Poland later than in August this year.
On 14th November 2016, an agreement concerning the procurement of two Gulfstream G550 jets has been signed by and between the Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. and the Armament Inspectorate representing the Treasury. The aircraft are destined to transport the Polish VIPs. The deliveries are scheduled to begin in June this year, with the aircraft to be operated by the 1st Airlift Base in Warsaw. Net value of the deal is said to be equal to PLN 440.57 million. The aircraft for Poland are going to be fitted with encrypted satellite communications link, enabling the user to utilize it when the jet is parked or airborne. Furthermore, Polish G550s will also feature a NATO compliant IFF suite.
Gulfstream G550 is a top-class business jet, a derivate of the Gulfstream V airframe which is a larger-size variant of the Gulfstream IV aircraft. When compared to its predecessor, G550 features a longer cabin, longer range and it is also much more comfortable. The deliveries of the aforesaid jets began back in 1997 – under the designation of C-37A they are operated by all of the branches of the United States military and five US federal agencies, including FBI, Department of Justice and FAA. Besides the US, aircraft of this type are utilized by seven other countries. In general, around 550 G550 jets have been sold around the world so far.