
Air Force

Romanian Air Force Transport Ukrainian Patients Through Poland [INTERVIEW]

Photo. Romanian MOD

On Sunday, 12 June, Romanian Air Force conducted a transport flight between Romania, Poland, Denmark and Romania. During that flight, three injured patients were transported within EU cooperation framework. In a conversation with, Romanian Brigadier General Constatin Spinu, head of Information and Public Affairs Directorate in Romanian Ministry of National Defence.


Jacek Dankowski, What mission did Romanian Air Forces carry out in Poland on Sunday?


Brigadier General Constantin Spinu: A C-27 J Spartan aircraft of the Romanian Air Force, carried out on Sunday, June 12, a humanitarian transport mission on the route Otopeni - Rzeszów – Jasionka (Poland) - Copenhagen (Denmark) - Otopeni.

The military aircraft took off from Base 90 Air Transport around 9.00. Thus, three Ukrainian patients, aged 18, 49 and 50, respectively, were picked up from Rzeszów-Jasionka International Airport and transported to Copenhagen for treatment in medical facilities in Denmark.


What kind of assistance was provided during the flight for patients?

The aircraft was configured for medical missions and a medical team was provided to monitor patients during the flight. On board specialists from the Bucharest Emergency Clinical Hospital and the Air Transport 90 Base have been providing appropriate care for them.


What is the framework for such a mission?

The request for the air transport was submitted by the Department for Emergency Situations, following a request from Ukraine. The request followed the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, through the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) platform. EWRS is a mechanism created by the European Commission to facilitate the transfer of patients from Ukraine to member countries.

Photo. Romanian MOD

Is now the first time Romania that provide such a help?

This is not for the first time Romania help with treatment for wounded Ukrainians. Eleven military hospitals are ready to take over Ukrainians. All the cases are exclusively taken based on requests from Ukrainian side.


General, thank you for the conversation.

Photo. Romanian MOD

BGen Constantin SPINU is the head of Information and Public Affairs Directorate in Romanian Ministry of National Defence. Gen. Spinu serves at this post since 2016. Before that, he did serve at various other posts related to Military Public Affairs since 1999. Between 1993 and 1993, Constantin Spinu served at the Air Defence Artillery officer.


