Armed Forces
Defence24 DAY: New Helicopters for the Polish Air Cavalry

Photo. Juliusz Sabak/Defence24
During the Defence24 DAY conference, the Air Force Inspector, brig. gen. Ireneusz Nowak announced that the procurement of 22 AW101 helicopters in a multi-role variant has been planned. The aircraft would be operated by units subordinated to the 25th Air Cavalry Brigade, along with the newly procured AW149 combat support helicopters.
The multi-role AW101 platform will replace the Mi-8 and Mi-17 aircraft. Most probably they would be primarily tasked with the transport missions.
Planowane jest pozyskanie 22 sztuk AW101 w wariancie transportowym do dywizjonu w Łęczycy #defence24day
— Defence24 (@Defence24pl) May 25, 2023
The land forces would be the second AW101 user in the Polish military. The Navy was the first to procure 4 AW101s in the ASW/CSAR variant. The aircraft would be delivered by 2023, with PZL Świdnik acting as the key contractor.