
Armed Forces

Homar-K System Test Launches in Ustka

Homar-K system launcher module without loaded transport-launch containers.
Homar-K system launcher module without loaded transport-launch containers.
Photo. Adam Świerkowski/Defence24

The General Command of the Armed Forces reported the historic first-ever rocket firing with the Homar-K system at the Ustka firing range.


According to the photographic material published by the command, the missile fired was most likely the guided CGR-080 rocket, with a maximum range of 80 km and a caliber of 239 mm. This is one of the two primary weapons systems of the Homar-K missile system, which is a Polish version of the South Korean Chunmoo. The second missile has a tactical range of up to 290 km. In the Republic of Korea, missile tests have already been conducted with both types of missiles, but this is the first firing carried out in Poland, at the Central Air Force Training Range in Ustka.


It was previously reported during the International Artillery Conference in Toruń that the Ustka range had been adapted to conduct firings with weapons having ranges of up to 70 km, specifically to test the capabilities of the HIMARS/Homar-A and Homar-K systems.

It is also worth noting that just about a decade ago, it was impossible to conduct missile launches at Polish ranges beyond approximately 20 kilometers. However, significant efforts by the Rocket and Artillery Forces Department (and many other parts of the Polish Armed Forces and broader administration) led to the ability to fire at distances of up to 36 km (allowing for tests of Krab howitzers and 122 mm Feniks missiles with ranges close to the maximum of 40-42 km), and now, launches can be performed at even greater distances. This progress allows for live-fire exercises using guided rockets from the Homar system.


    Right after the Rocket and Artillery Forces Day, which took place on 4th December, we now have confirmation that the Rocket Forces, which had effectively ceased to exist after the early 2000s with the withdrawal of Soviet-era Tochka launchers, are being rebuilt. This time, however, with systems of far greater capabilities, implemented with the involvement of the Polish industry, which is set to grow at further stages. The live-fire exercise at the Polish training ground marks a significant milestone in the process of training and building capabilities.


