
Land Forces

How Many Homar-K Rocket Systems does the Polish Army have? [EXCLUSIVE]

Wieloprowadnicowa wyrzutnia rakiet Homar-K na podwoziu Jelcz 882.57 na poligonie w Nowej Dębie.
Homar-K multiple rocket launcher on a Jelcz 882.57 chassis at the training ground in Nowa Dęba.
Photo. 18th Mechanized Division/X

The editorial team received information regarding the number of Homar-K multiple rocket launchers delivered to the Polish Army, produced with the involvement of the Polish defence industry.

In response to’s inquiry about the number of Homar-K launchers delivered to the Polish Army, the Communication and Promotion Office of the PGZ Group reported that 35 such systems have been handed over so far. This means that the number of localized K239 Chunmoo launchers has more than doubled compared to the end of last year. This significantly increases the firepower of the artillery units that receive them. So far, 46 launcher modules for the Homar-K have arrived in Poland, out of a total of 290 systems acquired.


The last delivery of complete vehicles took place in September, and considering the efficient work of Polish plants, another delivery is expected soon. The purchase of Homar-K systems not only marks a technological leap for Polish artillery units and bolsters new artillery formations, but also replaces the decommissioned Soviet-era BM-21 Grad and RM-70 systems. The key now is for the Polish industry to develop the capability to produce ammunition for these systems and for the Armament Agency to acquire support vehicles such as command or recovery vehicles.

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Originally 212 units of the polonized variant of the K239 Chunmoo MLRS were purchased, but this number was increased to 290, as second performance contract was signed in April this year . To meet the requirements defined by the Polish Armed Forces, several thousand rockets were ordered, coming in two types - 239 mm CGR-080 with a range of 80 kilometres, and CTM-290 SRBM, capable of hitting targets at a distance 290 kilometres away. The agreement also covers a logistics and training package. It is also expected that Homar-K would be integrated with the Polish 122 mm unguided rocket munitions, housed in transport/launch containers developed by WZL-2. It is possible that further launchers would be integrated on 3rd generation Jelcz vehicles, demonstrated during the last MSPO exhibition.

Homar-K multiple rocket launcher on a Jelcz 882.57 chassis at the Polish Armed Forces Day celebration - Garrison of the 1st “Mazurska” Artillery Brigade, Olecko.
Homar-K multiple rocket launcher on a Jelcz 882.57 chassis at the Polish Armed Forces Day celebration - Garrison of the 1st “Mazurska” Artillery Brigade, Olecko.
Photo. 1st “Mazurska” Artillery Brigade

The second performance contract envisages that maintenance facilities would be established for the launchers in Poland, and that spares for the launchers would be manufactured by the Polish industry. The first dozen modules would be delivered by the Changwon Hanwha Aerospace facility. Starting from the 13th example, further launchers will be manufactured in Poland, probably at HSW. Talks are underway regarding the license, technologies, and know-how transfer required to launch domestic manufacturing of the 239 mm CGR-080 rockets. However, this matter is discussed in a separate negotiation. Transfer of this expertise would happen once another performance contract involving Hanwha Aerospace is signed. Interestingly, during MSPO 2024, WB Group signed an MOU agreement with the Korean company Hanwha Aerospace to build a new rocket ammunition factory in Poland for the K239 Chunmoo launchers.


The Homar-K is a polonized K239 Chunmoo rocket artillery system, for which the original base platform (Doosan 8x8 truck with armoured cabin) was replaced with a domestically manufactured 8x8 Jelcz truck. The system carries two rocket containers, each can accommodate 6 guided 239 mm rockets with a range of 80 kilometers, or a single ballistic missile, with a range of ca. 290 kilometers. Work is underway to integrate 122 mm rockets with the Homar-K platform - used in WR-40 Langusta or BM-21 Grad systems. The launch containers also allow the user to launch unguided 131/227 mm rockets. Development efforts regarding rockets offering 150-200 km range are underway.


The platform also features the ZZKO Topaz fire control system, which allows the Polonized Chunmoo to be plugged into the FCS/BMS systems used by the Polish artillery units - it is a top class solution. The Polonized variant also includes Fonet digital communications suite integration. In the future, the base platform for Homar-K may be replaced with the entirely new Jelcz 883.5.

First, fully integrated Homar-K launcher.
First, fully integrated Homar-K launcher.
Photo. cprl. Jarosław Kusz/18th Artillery Regiment

