Land Forces
Poland Establishes Modern MBT Training Center Near Poznań

Poznan Land Forces Training Centre would now also include a large, modern training facility for the armoured component.
A large armoured component training centre is to be established at the military training range in Biedrusko, near Poznan. The range is a part of the Poznań based Land Forces Training Centre. Over the upcoming years, the Centre aims to expand its training infrastructure, so that training can be held for the M1A2SEPv3, M1A1FEP Abrams, and K2GF, K2PL Black Panther main battle tanks.
Within the framework of the investment, a training block would be established, equip; ped with modern simulators, garages, and maintenance facilities, and a new garrison capable of accommodating ca. 250 troops.
The investment in the Land Forces Training Centre and the Biedrusko range remains very important for the Polish Armed Forces. The main advantages here stem from the closeness of the Biedrusko range, and the WZM S.A. facility in Poznan. WZM is going to maintain the K2 and M1 main battle tanks in the future. Poznan may also become a location where the K2PL main battle tanks would be manufactured - the Biedrusko range could serve as a perfect proving ground for them.