

MSPO 2022: PIT-Radwar: Land, Air, and Naval Domains Offerings

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/Defence24

PIT-RADWAR is a company that belongs to the PGZ Group. This Warsaw-based supplier of hardware, radars, and weapons systems is also showcasing its offer during the MSPO event in Kielce. The enterprise in question is presenting and offering its OSU-35K naval weapons systems, IFF Mark XIIA interrogators, as well as the ground components of the Orlik UAV system.


OSU-35K stabilized, unmanned weapons system for warships is one of the distinguishing features presented at the PIT-RADWAR's booth this year. The turret is fitted with a 35 mm automatic cannon coupled with an independent, optoelectronic target tracker. The system consists of the AM-35K automatic cannon, integrated ZGS-35K observation/tracker sensor, BSKO-35K fire control station, and secondary/reserve RSKO-35K fire control station. The OSU-35K is capable of acting against maneuvering airborne threats (changing their heading, speed, and altitude within the kill box), and surface threats. It has been tailored for work within the CMS network. The open architecture of the system, its modular design, and scalability make it possible to integrate the solution on many vessel types.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

The automatic cannon itself utilizes carbon fiber technologies. It is controlled remotely, by the operator, via the fire control system's multi-function consoles, or via the RSKO station. The AM-35 is a system that can work autonomously, using its remote control console, or in a mode integrated with the ship's Combat Management System. The gun offers a rate of fire of up to 550 rounds per minute and features a dual, two-sided feed. The maximum range is defined as 4,800 meters. The system weighs 3,300 kilograms, ammunition excluded.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

The ZGS-35 Integrated Tracking System utilizes carbon fibre as the main material. The integrated ZGS-35 sensor features a 3–5 μm thermal imaging system, TV camera, HF laser rangefinder, video tracker, and the IKZ-50P IFF interrogator. The drives and stabilization system for azimuth and elevation ensure precise boresighting of the line of sight of the sensor and the target at which the gun is pointed. The rangefinder weighs 140 kilograms, offering a range of 30,000 meters.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

BSKO fire control system block integrates elements of the OSU-35K system in real-time. It ensures communications between the elements of the system, also providing the user with firing solution data. BSKO allows for the system to work in automatic, semi-automatic, and manual modes.

The RSKO reserve fire control station can be used for manual operation of the effector, with the use of a camera mounted on the AM-35 gun. This scenario is the case, should the BSKO be faulty, or should no relevant engagement data be fed through CMS.


PIT-Radwar's IFF Mark XIIA interrogators family consists of three systems: IDZ-50, ISZ-50, and IKZ-50P. These are designed, correspondingly, for joint operations with long, medium, and short-range air defence assets. The former two can provide identification in modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, and S, as well as the encrypted modes 4 and 5 (up to level 2). Due to the specific field of application, the IKZ-50P system only handles modes 4 and 5. The systems make use of the latest digital technologies, providing the user with immediate, and credible identification, reliability, and interoperability. The ICT security layer in Mode 5 is handled by encryption units meeting the DoD AIMS 04-900A Option B standard requirements. The modular design, and the option to upgrade the software, altogether make it possible to expand the functionality of the hardware, as the IFF and SSR standards evolve.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

IDZ-50 is a long-range interrogator designed to work with airspace monitoring systems and LRAD solutions. The aforesaid system is operated within modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, and S, or, should a proper encrypting device be applied, within modes 4 and/or 5. Using a mono impulse azimuth designation method, and ISLS/RSLS technology, along with modern digital systems and signal processing algorithms altogether allow for precise, accurate, and reliable identification. The expansive automatic diagnostics system, along with its modular design, makes maintenance and repairs a breeze. Software update capability allows for expansion of the system's functionality, should an opportunity as such present itself in the future.


ISZ-50 is a universal medium-range interrogator. It has been designed for use with medium and short-range radars. The aforesaid system is operated within modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, and S, or, should a proper encrypting device be applied, within modes 4 and/or 5. Using a mono impulse azimuth designation method, and ISLS/RSLS technology, along with modern digital systems and signal processing algorithms altogether allow for precise, accurate, and reliable identification. The expansive automatic diagnostics system, along with modular design, make maintenance and repairs a breeze. Software update capability allows for expansion of the system's functionality, should an opportunity as such present itself in the future.

IKZ-50P is the latest member of the family when it comes to the IFF Mark XIIA interrogators. This system has been designed for being coupled with short, and very short-range radars, or for autonomous operation - as the final component of the identification process, happening before the actual use of the armament. The aforesaid system is operated within modes 4, and 5, should a proper encrypting device be applied. Using modern digital circuitry, signal processing algorithms, and, optionally, a mono impulse azimuth designation method, and ISLS/RSLS technology, along with modern digital systems and signal processing algorithms altogether allow for precise, accurate, and reliable identification. The expansive automatic diagnostics system, along with modular design, make maintenance and repairs a breeze. Software update capability allows for expansion of the system's functionality, should an opportunity as such present itself in the future. The compact design, low power requirements, and the ability to work with fixed or rotating antenna arrays make this system a perfect solution for a broad range of SHORAD/VSHORAD platforms.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

The range of IFF Mark XIIA transponders includes two types of devices - TRL-50 aviation transponder, and TRN-50 ground transponder.

TRL-50 is an aviation IFF Mark XIIA transponder, also acting as a RIFF (Reverse IFF) interrogator, destined for identifying objects in an air-to-surface setting. The RIFF system makes it possible to identify friendly surface assets that use relevant RIFF responders. The transponder can handle the full range of military and civil IFF modes (1, 2, 3A, C, S, and 4 and 5). Its interface makes it possible to easily integrate TRL-50 on air and naval platforms.


TRN-50 is a ground RIFF responder designed for use on land and naval platforms. Working with a TRL-50 transponder, or other RIFF-compatible hardware, the TRN-50 provides the user with an ability to identify their platforms on the battlefield, decreasing the risk of the emergence of a blue-on-blue scenario.

ICE-01 Emulator emulates Mode 5 encryption device for IFF Mark XIIA system, compliant with the US DoD AIMS 04-900(A), Option B specification. It allows for testing IFF Mark XIIA interrogators and transponders for their interoperability with the interoperable platforms. It also makes it possible to conduct training and exercises involving the interoperable platforms, without the necessity to use actual KIV-77, or equivalent, encryption units.


The Ground Control Station (NSK) is designed for controlling the UAV system, including the air platform control and collecting the gathered intelligence. The system makes it possible for the crew to do mission planning, control the mission, control the flight of the air platforms, control the sensors installed on the air platform, carry out take-off and landing, report on mission status, and conduct mission training, with the use of the embedded simulator. The NSK crew can communicate with the upper levels of the command chain (audio communications, data link), and with the ATC (audio communications). An extra radio provides the crew with voice communications required when the system is readied for operations and take-off of the air platform. The NSK solution is transported by a special-purpose Jelcz truck.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

Ground Data Terminal (NTD) is destined for establishing communications with the UAV (as an intermediary element between the Ground Control Station, and the air platform), and it is also used to ensure data exchange with the external systemic environment. Extra IP radio is used for that purpose.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

Thanks to the use of a shared platform for all of the communications systems, with that platform being located far from the pilots/operators, the crew safety levels are significantly enhanced. This allows for bilateral, encrypted radio communications with the air platform, at a distance of up to 10 kilometers, with the use of 360-degree coverage antennas.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

At greater ranges, exceeding 100 kilometers, a directional antenna is used. The antenna positioning system that controls the mast rotor ensures tracking of the air platform by the directional antenna (in azimuth and elevation planes). NTD has been integrated on a trailer, expected to be attached to a special-purpose Jelcz vehicle.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

The Portable Video Terminal (WTV) has been designed to depict the video imagery of the situation in the area where the reconnaissance is conducted. The video is recorded by air platform sensors and transferred in real-time (via NTD for instance) to the command station. This allows a user located at least 500 meters from NSK to observe the imagery. Thanks to the voice communications provided by the digital control panel, it is possible to talk to pilots/operators sitting inside the NSK unit. WTV is embedded in a suitcase, with the required fiber optic wiring. It is transported in NSK.

Photo. Kacper Bakuła/

