Polish Naval Shipyard and PGZ Fused Together
Polish Armament Group informed that a task consortium has been established consisting of two subjects: PGZ (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa – Polish Armament Group) and the Polish Naval Shipyard – the consortium in question submitted its proposal to deliver the “Czapla” class patrol mine-hunters and “Miecznik” class coastal defence vessels for the Polish Navy.
Fusion of the two companies is a response to the invitation to take part in negotiations covering the Miecznik (Swordfish) and Czapla (Heron) programmes, sent to the Polish Armament Group by the Armament Inspectorate in July this year. The new consortium already submitted (on 14th August) the documents required by the Navy, in order to take part in the procedure.
So far – the proceedings cover the construction works related to “Czapla” and “Miecznik” class vessels, three of each class. PGZ stresses that it is interested in constructing other vessels for the Polish Navy, including logistics support vessel, joint-operations support vessel, rescue ships and tugboats. PGZ is also willing to take part in procurement of the new “Orka” submarines.