Remontowa Shipbuilding Ready to Build Naval Vessels

Remontowa Shipbuilding facility is working on two out of several vessel programmes for the Polish Navy: „Kormoran” and „Holownik”. During the “Forum Bezpieczeństwa Morskiego” [Maritime Security Forum] event organized in Warsaw, the company declared its readiness to participate in other initiatives that would also involve the Polish Navy. Remontowa is willing to be involved in the activities related to building of the “Miecznik” class coastal defence vessels, “Czapla” class patrol vessels with minehunting capacity, and support vessels – the “Supply” class tankers.
During the third edition of the “Maritime Security Forum”, Bartłomiej Pomierski, Vice-President of the Management Board at the Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. company hailing from Gdansk, outlined the possible vessel programmes that could be pursued by the shipyard in collaboration with the Polish industry. Using the example set by the “Kormoran” programme, Pomierski demonstrated the complexity of the tasks undertaken by the company. He also discussed the Remontowa Shipbuilding’s readiness to carry out even more convoluted tasks, related to creation of new vessels for the Polish Navy.
The Shipyard has always been an entity tasked with making the plans devised in the minds of the military and the politicians come true. We act as the integrator, the conductor for numerous, complex undertakings, fusing the effort of multiple entities working in the field of the engineering thought into one body. We also work in the area of practical implementation, transformation of thoughts into action, into metal.
Pomierski recalled the fact that since many years the Remontowa Shipbuilding facility has been carrying out complex works. Not only does it provide jobs for its own personnel, as the shipyard also generates work for more than 2000 employees of the cooperating bodies. Even though Remontowa Shipbuilding is a private business, it maintains a close cooperation with state-owned industrial facilities and research centres.

This has been proven by the “Kormoran II” project. When the first of the Polish minehunters was under construction, Remontowa Shipbuilding was working in a close collaboration with the OBR CTM facility based in Gdynia and with the Gdansk University of Technology. The facility also established a close cooperation with the research entities subordinated to the Polish MoD, including the Military Institute of Chemistry and Radiometry based in Warsaw, or Military Institute of Armament Technology, based in Zielonka. The company has also been working with the Polish Register of Shipping (PRS), acting as the classifier, inspecting the vessel and issuing the relevant security certificates.

Pomierski noted that work on the ORP Kormoran vessel has shown the Remontowa Shipbuilding’s technological and organizational potential, required to make undertakings such as shipbuilding, that remains so complex, tangible. And the company remains in possession of ability to meet high requirements, even in case of vessels that have never been constructed at the Polish shipyards up until today. This can be done independently, or the company may be acting as a consortium partner. “Despite its foreign name, Remontowa Shipbuilding also directs itself towards the Polish citizens, and pays taxes under the Polish jurisdiction” – Pomierski notes.
We are capable of performing work at each and every stage of the project with our Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting design bureau, starting from the concept design, also using support provided by entities such as OBR CTM.
According to Pomierski the new minehunter/mine countermeasures vessel programme has shown the potential hidden within the Polish industry. The Vice-President was placing an emphasis on the fact that some equipment shall be procured abroad, including engines or communications systems, however numerous elements may be manufactured domestically, in Poland. Kormoran programme is a great example of the above, as the initial assumption was to ensure that 30% of the vessel has Polish origin. Ultimately, the aforesaid indicator went up to 60% for the project described above.