
Armed Forces

Poland Concludes a Massive SHORAD Contracts with CAMM Missiles

Photo. mł. chor. Daniel Andalukiewicz

The Armament Agency procured the Pilica air defence systems in the modernized variant, along with CAMM launchers and missiles expected to be used in this system. In total, the value of contracts is PLN 13 bn. was the first outlet to announce the plan to sign contracts regarding the Pilica CAMM launchers and missiles.


According to a release issued by the Armament Agency, the first agreement signed by and between the Agency, and the MBDA UK company, covers the delivery of 44 iLauncher systems, and several hundred CAMM missiles. The agreement has a value of GBP 1.9 bn. (ca. PLN 10 bn. net). The deliveries would be finalized between 2025 and 2029. The off-the-record information that we have obtained suggests that the above refers to around 750 missiles. Among 44 launchers, six would originally belong to the "Little Narew" system, and they would be tailored to being used in Pilica+.


    The second agreement has already been concluded with the PGZ-Pilica consortium, involving the following entities: Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A., Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów S.A., PIT-RADWAR S.A., PCO S.A., Jelcz Sp. z o.o., MESKO S.A., Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A., Wojskowe Zakłady Uzbrojenia S.A., and Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne S.A. The agreement pertains to the acquisition of 16 Pilica+ systems and the upgrade of the six existing systems to the new standard. The work is to be completed between 2025 and 2029 - with a PLN 3 bn. budget (gross). Back in March another agreement was signed, regarding 22 Bystra radars - expected to become a part of the Pilica+ system.

    All of the above would make it possible to deliver 22 Pilica+ systems for the Polish Armed Forces until 2029 (including one destined for training) in the new configuration. That would include two launchers with CAMM effectors, six combined AAA/SAM systems with 23 mm cannons, Grom/Piorun launchers, optoelectronic sensors and a remote control system, Bystra radar, short-range radar, C2 unit, and munitions carriers and transporters. In the longer run, it is expected that cannons firing programmable munitions, and a non-kinetic Counter-UAS solution would become a part of this system in the future.


      As the Armament Agency stresses, the systems modernized to the PSR-A PILICA+ standard would be able to conduct autonomous operations in different weather conditions, and visibility conditions, with the use of their own, passive reconnaissance and tracking systems, and based on the radar data fed from the battery command station.

      Each of the iLaunchers uses 8 CAMM effectors with a range exceeding 25 kilometres, and weighing 99 kilograms. These missiles utilize a cold launch method and feature an active RF seeker. They can be used against fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, UAVs, and cruise missiles. The CAMM family also includes the CAMM-ER effector developed in collaboration with the Italians, with a range exceeding 45 kilometres.


        In the future, missiles of even better performance may join that family, as an effector as such is expected to be developed jointly by the British and Polish industries. The CAMM family effectors have been designated as the preferred solution for the Narew SHORAD system. Meanwhile, the Pilica+ system is to act as a complementary gap filler between the MRAD systems (Wisła Patriot/IBCS), and Narew, and to protect the Patriot sites. These systems would all be operated by the air defence units of the Polish Air Force.


