
Armed Forces

Polish CAMM Missiles On Target

Photo. MON

Polish Armed Forces have conducted first-ever test of its „Mała Narew” („Little Narew”) Short Range Air Defence System.


During the tests, three missiles were fired and all hit their targets. Polish Army Air Defence Forces, namely the newly formed 18th Air Defence Artillery Regiment of the 18th Mechanized Division as well as 15 th Air Defence Artillery Regiment of the 16th Mechanized Division. This is the first time Polish Air Defence Forces used a modern system with such a range (25 km+) and capability of intercepting multiple targets simultaneously for a live firing test in Poland. Earlier they used either upgraded post-Soviet systems (e.g. SA-6 or SA-3) or Polish made modern Grom and Piorun MANPADS. Those two are belonging to the Very Short Range (VSHORAD) class, with a range of less than 10 km.


The integration of "Mała Narew" is a success for the Polish Armed Forces and also for the Polish Defence industry, as the PGZ-Narew consortium is the main contractor, and MBDA UK act as subcontractor for the Polish company. The decision to procure two fire units of Mała Narew was made as late as April 2022, and now the system is close to becoming operational.

    The "Little Narew" fire unit includes 3 CAMM launchers, Soła radar, loading/transport vehicles, and a Zenit-M command and control system. Based on the experiences gathered when using that system, the current Pilica system using Piorun launchers and 23 mm guns as its effectors is to be expanded to the Pilica+ version, including a modified C2 system, CAMM launchers, Bystra radar, and effectors destined for countering UAVs. Systems as such would be used to protect the IBCS/Patriot combo. Execution contracts for 21 fire units of Pilica+ (including over 40 CAMM launchers) were signed earlier this year. The deliveries of Pilica+ are to take place between 2025 and 2029.


      Meanwhile, Narew, in its final form, would be integrated with IBCS, and equipped with extended-range effectors (CAMM-ER and possibly new CAMM-MR missile) and Sajna radars. The training involving those systems, as well as Polish Patriot/IBCS purchased within the Wisla project would also be an organizational challenge when it comes to live fire tests if a full envelope is expected to be used in engagements against maneuvering or supersonic and ballistic threats. Let us add that Patriot PAC-3 MSE test launches are happening just in the USA. And these are rare, given the associated costs. The legacy PAC-2/GEM-T missiles can be launched at the European ranges, in Crete, or, for some time now, in Romania.


