Armed Forces
Polish Kobben-class Submarines to Remain in Service

The Polish military ordered a service pertaining to repairs and certification of 14 TP-613 torpedoes. The whole initiative is to have a pricetag of PLN 3.85 million. The above means that at least one of the two Polish Kobben-class submarines would remain operational.
The above order means that the rumour claiming that both Polish Kobben-class submarines would be withdrawn turned out to be untrue. According to the 12th Military Economic Element based in Thorn, the Thormex Sp. z o.o company based in Warsaw received an order to repair, maintain, service, inspect, certify, legalize and carry out remaining services within the scope of executing a technical inspection of 14 TP-613 torpedoes.
The Swedish torpedoes in question ares integrated on the Kobben-class submarines, with each carrying up to 8 examples. The quantity of torpedoes that are a subject of the agreement suggests that the Polish Navy is willing to keep both of its Kobben class vessels in service, namely: ORP „Sęp” and ORP „Bielik”.
Selection of the contractor is not surprising. The company also received a similar order back in October 2016 and another contract, in 2019, concerning the lifetime extension for the 53-65KE torpedoes used by the ORP “Orzeł” Kilo-class submarine operated by the Polish Navy.