Territorial Defence Forces
New Generation of FlyEye Systems for the Polish Territorial Defence Component: Agreement Signed

The Armament Inspectorate of the Polish Ministry of Defence signed an agreement on Monday, with the WB Electronics company. The contract concerns delivery of three modernized sets of FlyEye mini-UAVs (four platforms in each set), with a pricetag of PLN 10.3 million. The agreement also covers optional procurement of another 9 sets. The UAVs will be received by the Polish Territorial Defence Component.
– The agreement concerns delivery of 3 modernized FlyEye UAVs, along with a training package. One set includes four UAV platforms. The agreement value is 10282137.40 zlotys (gross amount), while deliveries have been scheduled until the end of this year – the MoD announced in its release.
Territorial Defence Component of the Polish military is soon to become the user of the equipment in question. The branch of the military mentioned above has already received another product of the WB Group - Warmate loitering munitions.
The FlyEye Mini-UAV is already being operated by other branches of the Polish military. However, in the discussed case the Polish Ministry of Defence is ordering the third generation of this UAV. It has been fitted with a new optronic sensor and new batteries. Furthermore, its transmitter-receiver station and command and control systems underwent upgrades. Same applies to carrying cases and backpacks.
The contract also envisages optional procurement of another 9 sets. WB Electronics company (a part of the WB Group) and the Treasury (represented by the Armament Inspectorate of the Polish MoD) act as the parties to the agreement.
The Inspectorate announced it back in October, that a negotiation was going on, with regards to acquisition of the FlyEye UAVs. According to the release issued back then, PLN 23.934 million was the total estimated order value, concerning 12 sets.
The order was being executed as a negotiation procedure without an announcement being published. This stemmed from the fact that FlyEyes are being operated already, by artillery elements and by the Special Forces. The announcement also mentioned that the military is planning to modify its already operated FlyEye UAVs.
FlyEye is a short range mini-UAV designed for surveillance and intelligence-gathering purposes. It is a modular system that is ready for operation in time shorter than 10 minutes. It can take off by hand, without extra equipment, in confined and narrow spaces. FlyEye is, by a standard, equipped with a sensor under the fuselage. Two cameras in the sensor system (visible light and thermal imaging camera) make it possible to switch between the video streams.
FlyEye may be integrated with light precision-guided munitions, acoustic vector sensors or with sensors that may detect the source of shots. Depending on its use, FlyEye may also be integrated with other sensor systems.
The FlyEye UAV solution consists of FlyEye UAV platforms, observation and antenna systems, LGCS ground control station, data analysis station, portable RVT video terminal and a simulator with a video-synthesis ability.