Borsuk - Spectacular Results of Live Fire Tests in Drawsko

The prototype of the Polish New Generation Amphibious IFV (Nowy Bojowy Pływający Wóz Piechoty - NBPWP), known as Borsuk, underwent testing at the range in Drawsko Pomorskie, back in September. The vehicle, featuring the ZSSW-30 turret, has gone through a series of tests and verification. Live fire testing also took place, the PGZ Group announced.
The tests involving the “Borsuk” prototype had a cognitive profile, being the first field verification of the assumptions adopted for that project. The results remain confidential. Currently, procedures are being carried out concerning the assessment of the research carried out and of that research’s impact on the product configuration.
“Borsuk, or its first prototype to be exact, has been armed with the ZSSW-30 turret and headed out to hunt its prey in Drawsko. We have not been authorized, at this stage, to inform about the results of the tests and verification processes carried out. I can, however, proudly say that we are fully satisfied with the first results of our work. Both Borsuk, as well as the ZSSW-30, are the best examples of how investment in the domestic competencies yields spectacular results.
The Borsuk project is aimed at developing a new amphibious IFV that would replace the BWP-1 platform. It is one of the most long-awaited products. Completing that project would allow the PGZ Group to come closer to the leading manufacturers of tracked IFVs. The new generation IFV exhibits an amphibious capacity, also offering high levels of protection, providing an ability to safely transport and support the mechanized infantry units.

ZSSW-30 unmanned turret module developed jointly by WB Electronics and HSW is the first indigenous Polish unmanned turret design. ZSSW-30 has already been integrated with an ATGM module. The system is being created as an asset that could be used as the extra armament of new IFVs and Rosomak APCs - the latter platform is one of the pillars of the inventory of the Polish Army.