Defence Policy
Funding For the Polish Artillery Purchases in Korea Secured

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego has signed agreements for the financing of the second batch of executive contracts from the Republic of Korea for K9A1/K9PL howitzers and Homar-K multi-launcher rocket launchers with ammunition, Deputy Minister of Defence Paweł Bejda announced.
During a press briefing, Deputy Defence Minister Paweł Bejda announced that Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (a Polish national development bank) signed documents on 27 November to finance the purchase of howitzers and rocket launchers from the Republic of Korea through the Armed Forces Support Fund.
This means that the conditional execution contract for the supply of K9A1 and K9PL howitzers concluded in December 2023 (152 guns in 2025-2027 mainly in K9PL version, together with ammunition, logistics and training package and transfer of technology for logistics support of the howitzers and manufacturing of modular propelling charges) and the contract for the supply of 72 Homar-K launchers (signed in April 2024, together with ammunition, transfer of technology for service and production of launchers and integration of 122mm rockets, with delivery in 2026-2029) can be implemented. The first agreement, for howitzers, is worth USD 2.4 billion, or around PLN 9.8 billion, while the second is worth around USD 1.6 billion, or around PLN 6.5 billion.
In total, therefore, based on the signed contracts, the Polish Army will receive 364 K9A1/K9PL howitzers by 2027 (the first contract, which has been ongoing since 2022, covers 212 howitzers of which more than 120 have been delivered) and 290 Homar-K launchers by 2029 (the first contract covers 218 launchers, as of today 66 launcher modules have been delivered from Korea to Poland while 35 have been integrated with Jelcz trucks and provided to the Polish Army). Deputy Minister Bejda has noted that deliveries of Homar-K system are going ahead of the schedule.