General Andrzejczak Visits HSW, Verifying the Functionality of the Rosomak Turret

Chief Of The General Staff Of The Polish Army, General Rajmund T. Andrzejczak paid a visit to the HSW S.A. company. HSW is stressing the fact that it was the first time that General Andrzejczak visited the company’s HQ.
The Chief of Staff got acquainted with the offer of the HSW S.A. artillery products. Furthermore, General Andrzejczak got to know the new HSW S.A.’s research and development initiatives better, namely: Borsuk new generation amphibious IFV and ZSSW-30 remote control turret module. General Andrzejczak got acquainted with the HSW’s manufacturing potential and had a chance to directly verify the functional features of the control, software and ICT systems of the ZSSW turret as well

HSW S.A.’s management board also presented the new automated welding line, X-ray chamber or its new barrel manufacturing facility. The company is stressing the fact that dialogue involving the Polish military makes it possible to perfect the HSW’s products and industrial activities. The visit paid by the Chief of Staff, as HSW claims, has been an impulse inspiring the company to deepen its collaboration with the Polish military.
The visit took place one day after the elements of the first series manufactured squadron-level fire module were delivered to the Polish military, within the framework of the Regina programme, with the Polish Rocket and Artillery Component of the military being the main beneficiary here. The equipment was transferred to the 5th “Lubuski” Artillery Regiment based in Sulechów and subordinated to the 12th “Szczecińska” Mechanized Division. The Regiment will become the second unit operating the Regina module, following the 11th “Mazurski” Artillery Regiment subordinated to the 16th “Pomorska” Mechanized Division operating the first “introductory” Regina module with 24 Krab sphs.