HSW To Deliver Spare Parts for Mortars and Self-Propelled Howitzers

HSW S.A. company is going to deliver spare parts for the 98 mm M-98 mortars, 120 mm M-120 mortars, and for the 2S1 Gvozdika SPHs. The value of the order placed by the 4th Regional Logistics Base of Wrocław is as high as PLN 5.2 million, including VAT.
The announcement, according to which the order was placed, has been published within the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union. The order has been divided into three separate parts.
The M-98 mortar spare parts delivery has been quoted at the level of PLN 2.7 million, equivalent order concerning the M-120 mortars had a value of PLN 250 thousand, meanwhile 2S1 Gvozdika spare parts’ cost is going to reach almost PLN 2.3 million (all prices - gross).
The lowest price was the main criterion taken into account when the offer was being selected. HSW S.A. company, the manufacturer of the M-98 and M-120 mortars and the 2S1 Gvozdika SPHs was the sole entity submitting an offer.