

Abrams Main Battle Tank Maintenance In Poznań. Regional Centre of Excellence at WZM.

Photo. Damian Ratka

An official opening ceremony for the Regional Centre for Competency (of Excellence) took place on 20th February 2024 in Poznan, at WZM S.A. The facility is to be dealing with maintenance activities related to the M1 Abrams main battle tanks.


The event involved, among other officials: Vice Minister of the State Assets Marcin Kulasek, Chairman of the Parliamentary National Defence Commission MP Andrzej Grzyb, Head of Voivodeship Agata Sobczyk, President of the City of Poznan Jacek Jaśkowiak, Polish MPs, President of the WZM S.A. facility Elżbieta Wawrzynkiewicz, US Ambassador Mark Brzezinski, and Vice-President at GDLS, Chris Brown. Representatives of BAE Systems also attended the event.

Photo. Ministry of State Assets.

Although the Center (Regionalne Centrum Kompetencyjne, RCK) has been active for quite some time now, the official opening ceremony is an important event that confirms the new competencies attained by WZM S.A. It should be strongly emphasized that the Poznan-based facility remains in possession of unique capabilities, not only considering the European but also within the global context. This stems from the fact that WZM is already capable of maintaining and servicing T-72, PT-91, and Leopard 2A5 main battle tanks. Now that list would also include M1A1FEP Abrams main battle tanks. M1A2SEPv3 and K2 Black Panther would also become a part of the aforesaid group in the future.

Not only is the establishment of the new facility tied to the maintenance of the Abrams main battle tanks procured to meet the needs of the Polish Armed Forces, but it is also to support US units operating the Abrams tank in Poland and the remainder of Europe.

@ Vice Minister of State Assets, Marcin Kulasek.


The statement above also highlights another, relevant aspect of the Regional Center being established. Not only would the facility be dealing with main battle tanks procured for the Polish Armed Forces, but also those operated by the US Army in Europe. This benefits all parties involved since WZM S.A. would be assigned a lot of work in the longer run, while the Americans will cut down the cost and time needed to maintain the vehicles. No longer would it be necessary to conduct serious maintenance works overseas, in CONUS, as there would be no need to ship the tanks back.

One may risk stating that the RCK facility will be able to maintain M1 Abrams main battle tanks and other US-made armour, operated by other European users in the future. The Poznan-based facility offers a huge potential, and that potential shall not be wasted.


69 out of 116 procured M1A1FEP main battle tanks have already been delivered to Poland. The first 14 have been readied for deprocessing at the Biedrusko Range. The remaining 55 tanks were sent to WZM. Elżbieta Wawrzynkiewicz stated that work was already finalized with regard to 30 tanks, and they have been handed off to the military. This means that 25 main battle tanks would still need to undergo the procedure. The remaining 47 M1A1FEP main battle tanks that are covered by the performance contract will be delivered by the end of this year.

Photo. Damian Ratka

12 out of 38 ordered M88A2 ARVs have also been delivered, along with the MBTs. The first 3 vehicles have been readied for handoff in Biedrusko. The remaining 9 have undergone the deprocessing already at WZM S.A., only to be delivered to the Armed Forces afterwards.


The General Dynamics Land Systems facility in Lima (Ohio) is currently manufacturing 250 brand-new M1A2SEPv3 main battle tanks for the Polish Armed Forces. According to the timeline in place, the first tanks would be delivered to Poland next year. They would be deprocessed at WZM Poznan as well.

The Poznan facility offers even greater potential, as it may be used to upgrade the M1A1FEP main battle tanks to the M1A2SEPv3 standard in the future. WZM S.A., and other facilities, like HCP or PZL WSK-Kalisz, may ultimately deal with manufacturing components for main battle tanks, or even main battle tanks themselves. The Polish industry could play a relevant role in an undertaking as such, radically expanding its competencies, and working hand-in-hand with large, foreign partners.

Photo. Damian Ratka

