

Black Panthers Coming to Poznan. Relevant Visit to Korea: Another Step Taken

Polish K2 Black Panthers.
Polish K2 Black Panthers.
Photo. Polish Ministry of Defence/X

A dialogue was launched by and between WZM S.A. and Hyundai Rotem Company, covering the matter of servicing, maintaining, repairing, and overhauling the main battle tanks Poland procured in South Korea, to meet the requirements of the Polish Armed Forces.


Between the 15th and 19th of January this year, a bilateral consultation took place at the Hyundai Rotem Company in Changwon, and also at the Army School of Logistics in Daejeon, regarding the logistics support for the K2GF Black Panther main battle tanks procured for the Polish Armed Forces.


WZM S.A., a PGZ Group subsidiary, works closely with Hyundai Rotem Company, to establish local, Polish maintenance capabilities, and also manufacturing capabilities regarding the K2PL main battle tanks, and specialized vehicles based on the K2 MBT, including ARV, breecher vehicle, and assault bridge.

Back in 2023 WZM S.A. and HRC engaged in several technical consults. This year’s January dialogue bears the most relevance. Apart from matters tied to K2 main battle tank maintenance, the representatives of the Polish party could also have gotten acquainted with the K2 Black Panther main battle tank manufacturing process.


WZM S.A. and HRC are planning to further cooperate, within the framework of the future performance contracts, and the K2PL programme transfer of technologies. The initiative is a major opportunity for the Polish defence industry, as it would get a chance to restore the main battle tanks production capacity, domestically. This would also mean that new jobs would be created in the strategic defence domain, and also Poland’s defence potential would be higher.


