BME 2018: Protective Measures, Comms and Naval Integration Offered by OBR CTM

Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. [Maritime Technology Centre Research and Development Facility] is currently showcasing a number of Navy-dedicated solutions at the Balt Military Expo 2018 event. Among the products demonstrated, one could find communication systems, mine countermeasures, warship combat suite integration solutions and explosives designed for counter-terrorism operations.

OBR CTM is showcasing a model of the ORP Kormoran II mine countermeasures vessel during this year’s edition of the Balt Military Expo event. The company is a member of the consortium that works on the aforesaid programme, delivering the key systems for the Polish minehunters, including the SCOT-M CIC suite and C4IS systems, or the SHL-101T/M sonars. The consortium also deals with integration of the said elements on the vessels.

MLM Modular Minesweep model is also being showcased during the exhibition. This system has been developed within the framework of a programme managed by EDA. The primary purpose of the MLM minesweep is to act against sea mines fitted with non-contact fuses, used to attack specific warships on the basis of their signatures.
Underwater Stabilized Sensor Platform is another project pursued by OBR CTM, also within the scope of a programme run by the European Defence Agency. The aforesaid system has been created at CTM within the framework of the BURMIN project. The initiative is pursued by a consortium involving, alongside CTM, the French TUS company (leader), Dutch TNO, Belgian RMA and German companies and institutes (WTD 71, Fraunhofer ICT, IPHT Jena, Atlas Elektronik). The platform featuring a number of new generation hydro-acoustic and magnetic sensors, which may be towed by a manned or unmanned vessel, makes it possible to detect and classify the mines, including the mines buried within the bottom sediments.
The Polish company is also showcasing its RKP-8100AM-B radio along with a mobile adapter. This is a derivative of the RKP-8100 backpack radio designed for mobile applications and systems mounted onto wheeled or tracked platforms. The whole communications suite has been integrated within a single device, and maximum power output has been increased up to 150W in case of the HF and up to 50W in case of the UHF applications.

RKP-8100 is a backpack broadband radio, which is operated within the frequency range from 1.5 to 512 MHz (HF/VHF/UHF bands). It also can be operated in a frequency hopping mode and it has been fitted with an AES-256 encryption module.
Within its stand, OBR CTM is also showcasing two counter-terrorism systems designed for the purpose of protecting naval bases. The former one comes in a form of a pyrotechnical effector that can generate a shockwave in the water. Depending on the quantity of the explosives, it may act as a deterrent or it may inflict non-lethal or lethal effect.

Alongside the effector, the Portable Magnetic Barrier sensor is also being presented. It is used to monitor the critical areas of naval bases and harbours and to warn about threat that could be posed by combat divers or small submersible craft. After a system formed by magnetic transducers is fitted on the sea bottom, it can be used to detect magnetic anomalies caused by objects that enter the protected zone.