Grand Contract Regarding the Narew Air Defence System

Photo. Pvt. S. KozIoł/18th Mechanized Division
PGZ and MBDA UK signed an industrial agreement covering the transfer of technologies in the Narew system air defence programme, Mariusz Błaszczak, Head of the Polish Ministry of Defence announced.
The agreement has a value of GBP 4 bn. (ca. PLN 20 bn. net). Based on that agreement, the Polish industry is to deliver “more than 1,000 CAMM-ER missiles, and more than 100 launchers”.
The contract covers a complex transfer of technologies associated with the CAMM-ER missiles, that would allow the Polish industry to manufacture launchers with a data-link, and the missiles themselves (with ARH seeker units). Companies of the PGZ Group would become the beneficiaries of the deal, including Mesko, PIT-RADWAR, WZU [Military Armament Works] Grudziądz, and WZE [Military Electronic Works].
– The agreement signed today will allow us to pursue the agreements signed with the Armament Agency on 5th September 2023 in Kielce, during this year’s edition of the MSPO Exhibition. At the same time, we would expand the competencies of our companies, when it comes to missile technologies. The readiness to transfer the technologies and know-how has been one of the reasons for selecting this, specific partner in the NAREW programme – Sebastian Chwałek, President of the Management Board at PGZ S.A said.
The conclusion of the agreement by and between MBDA and PGZ is a natural next step following the performance contracts regarding the delivery of launchers and missiles Narew system by the PGZ-Narew consortium that acts as the primary contractor in the programme, which happened to be concluded during this year’s MSPO event. The contracts cover the delivery of ca. 138 launchers and more than 1,000 CAMM-ER missiles, capable of countering multiple air threats flying at an altitude of up to 20 kilometres, and up to 45 kilometres away. The procured assets would be enough for 23 batteries (46 fire units). The deliveries would be finalized between 2027 and 2035.
Launchers and missiles for the Narew system are to be integrated with the IBCS air defence management system so that they can work within a single C2 suite with the Wisła MRAD assets (Patriot/IBCS plus PAC-3 MSE missiles).
The Polish Armed Forces already operate the standard CAMM missiles, in two Little Narew fire units, procured for PLN 1.8 bn. In 2023, performance contracts were also signed regarding the Pilica+ system - including 22 Bystra radars (PLN 1.1 billion), Zenit command system (more than PLN 600 million), Pilica fire units (around PLN 3 billion), and 38 CAMM launchers and missiles, plus modifications of those procured for the Mała Narew system (GBP 1.8 bn./ca. PLN 10 bn.). The cost of the Pilica+ system as a whole is close to, or a bit lower than the value of the Narew industrial agreement alone. Thanks to this project, however, Poland would procure a much more capable system, along with an ability to manufacture, independently, the key components of that system: launchers and missiles. And this should be a good sign for lifecycle management, as plans have been made already to design a new CAMM-MR missile, with a range of more than 100 kilometres.