HENSOLDT at MSPO 2020: Offering its broad range of innovative sensor solutions

ASR-NG, the Anti-drone system Xpeller, TRML-4D Radar, the ISR/MPR Radar PrecISR, the Airborne Missile Protection Suite AMPS, and Argos II HDT for ISR missions are among HENSOLDT’s main exhibits at MSPO 2020.
The article has been prepared by HENSOLDT
Kielce, Poland Sept. 2020 – One of HENSOLDT’s core competences is recognizing threats and protecting end users. At MSPO 2020 in Kielce, HENSOLDT presents its broad range of sensor solutions for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations as well as sensors to improve the safety and operational effectiveness.
HENSOLDT will be presenting a very precise picture of the surrounding airspace, covered by its powerful ASR air traffic control (ATC) radar family. The ASR radars consist of an integrated primary and secondary radar system. The primary radar helps to detect non-cooperative objects such as small aircraft that do not have transponders or hostile aircraft. It is based on a semiconductor transmitter and includes special signal processing techniques for wide-area surveillance and wind farm mitigation. The secondary radar, MSSR 2000 I, ensures the automatic identification of cooperative aircraft. It meets the new “Mode S/Mode 5” air traffic control standard, which improves aircraft identification queries and is currently being introduced in all NATO and allied forces including the Polish Defence Forces.
Alongside ASR-NG, HENSOLDT is displaying its counter-UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) system Xpeller for 24/7 protection from illicit intrusions of UAVs over critical areas – even at long ranges – offering a low false alarm rate and high probability of interception. The system is highly modular and combines numerous sensors (radar, electro-optics, direction finders) and target neutralization effectors such as jammers and drone catchers through a single Command and Control (C2) system.
HENSOLDT is showcasing TRML-4D, the latest member of its C-Band (NATO G-Band) ground-based air defence radar family. TRML-4D uses the AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar technology, with multiple digitally formed beams. It is designed for near- to long-range ground-to-air detection and for weapon assignment. It is capable of detecting, tracking, and classifying various types of air targets, with an emphasis on small, fast, and low-flying and/or manoeuvring cruise missiles and aircraft as well as hovering helicopters. The radar has been tried and tested in operations on numerous occasions; it ensures rapid response detection and tracking of approximately 1,500 targets in a radius of up to 250 km and at an altitude of up to 30 km.
At MSPO HENSOLDT also displays its innovative airborne multi–function ISR radar PrecISR 1000, providing armed forces and border protection authorities with high situational awareness and a short reaction time. The software-defined radar translates latest achievements in active array antennas (GaN-based AESA tiles) and digital receiver technology into a scalable high-performance sensor which can be installed aboard helicopters, UAVs and fixed-wing mission aircraft.
Also on display is HENSOLDT’s Airborne Missile Protection System (AMPS), a flexible and modular self-protection suite, comprising a 3rd-generation UV technology-based missile warning system and a laser warning system with beam rider capabilities, which can be combined with an active radar-based confirmation sensor and a fully digital radar warning receiver.
In the area of airborne ISR, Hensoldt displays its ARGOS-II HDT multi-sensor system for airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions, which can be fitted with High Definition (HD) infrared and daylight cameras as well as laser rangefinders and laser illuminators.
HENSOLDT has been active in Poland for many years offering NATO compatible and certified ITAR-free and state-of-the-art solutions. HENSOLDT today is considered the global market leader for military air traffic control (ATC) radars; one of the cooperation fields planned is co-mounted Air Surveillance Radar – Next Generation (ASR-NG) that includes Primary Surveillance Radar (PRS) and Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)/MODE 5 Interrogator Friend of Foe.
Come and visit us at exhibition stand no E-21 at MSPO 2020 in Kielce, Poland!
The article has been prepared by HENSOLDT
HENSOLDT is a pioneer of technology and innovation in the field of defence and security electronics. Based in Taufkirchen near Munich, the company is a German Champion with strategic leadership positions in the field of sensor solutions for defence and non-defence applications. HENSOLDT develops new products to combat a wide range of threats based on innovative approaches to data management, robotics and cyber security. With approximately 5,500 employees, HENSOLDT generated revenues of 1.14 billion euros in 2019.