K2 Polonization? “Arrangement of a Strategic Partnership”

Representatives of the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ) met with officials from Hyundai Rotem Company to finalize a strategic industrial cooperation agreement regarding the production of K2 main battle tanks in Poland.
Following a series of heated debates involving the Polish government and PGZ representatives in South Korea and Poland, the board of the Polish Armaments Group S.A. has initiated actions to negotiate a new agreement with Hyundai Rotem Company and establish a strategic partnership.
As part of its mandate, PGZ S.A. is currently negotiating with the Korean side to ensure that the equipment acquired by the Ministry of National Defense can be integrated, manufactured, and localized as much as possible in PGZ facilities. It is also worth noting that, under the existing agreements, the maintenance and servicing of K2 tanks will be carried out using the resources and infrastructure of the Military Automotive Works (WZM) in Poznań.