More Grot Rifles for the Polish Armed Forces, Including the A3 Version

Photo. Defence24
Yesterday, 19 December 2024, a contract was signed between the Armament Agency, representing the State Treasury, and Fabryka Broni „Łucznik” – Radom Sp. z o.o. The contract covers the purchase of MSBS Grot C16 FB-A2 rifles, VIS pistols, and 40mm underslung grenade launchers for the MSBS Grot rifle.
The total value of the contract exceeds PLN 1 billion gross, with execution planned for 2026–2029, encompassing both guaranteed and optional procurement phases.
“We are purchasing modified Grot rifles manufactured by the Łucznik factory, which is truly impressive. These are modern and essential products. We are acquiring approximately 46,000 units under the guaranteed purchase, with the option to buy more. Additionally, we are purchasing 13,500 VIS 100 pistols. On top of that, we are ordering 1,300 underslung grenade launchers for the Grot rifles. Altogether, it’s an impressive number of rifles, pistols, and grenade launchers that will be gradually delivered to the Polish Armed Forces.” – Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Minister of Defence said.
The contract also includes an optional component allowing for the delivery of additional MSBS Grot rifles, VIS 100 pistols, and underslung grenade launchers.
“The subject of this agreement, which we signed today, will ultimately include the Grot A3 version. This version has been implemented, factory-tested, and is fully operational. However, due to the formalities and tests required by the Ordering Party before the weapons can be approved for use, we will continue delivering the A2 version throughout 2025. The contract stipulates the delivery of the A2 version, with provisions for straightforward annexation to transition to A3 deliveries. I am confident that the A3 version will be the focus of this agreement’s deliveries.” – Seweryn Figurski, CEO of Fabryka Broni Łucznik – Radom Sp. z o.o.
The Grot A3 is the result of ongoing dialogue with the military. The 40mm underslung grenade launcher, MSBS Grot 5.56mm rifle, and VIS 100 9mm semi-automatic pistol were developed by Fabryka Broni “Łucznik” – Radom Sp. z o.o. as part of the armament subsystem within the Advanced Individual Combat Systems (ZISW) Tytan programme and have been integrated into the Polish Armed Forces for several years.