MSPO 2024: Defender Awards for a Vehicle, Loitering Munition and Passive Radar

Photo. Jakub Borowski,
The Waran 4x4 vehicle, the Striker circulating ammunition and the Passive Location System were among the products awarded a Defender at this year’s MSPO fair in Kielce. The awards were presented by Deputy Prime Minister, head of the Ministry of Defence Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.
Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW) received a Defender for its 4x4 Waran tactical multipurpose vehicle.
A consortium of FlyFocus (leader), Metalexport and Jakusz and the Air Force Institute of Technology (PL: Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych, ITWL) was awarded the Striker loitering ammunition system.
The OSU-35K 35mm Ship Armament System brought honours to the scientific-industrial consortium comprising the Naval Academy, PIT-Radwar, Military University of Technology (PL: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, WAT) (leader), Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów S.A. for the OSU-35K 35mm Ship Armament System.
Konsorcjum naukowo-przemysłowe w składzie: Akademia Marynarki Wojennej im. Bohaterów
— Defence24 (@Defence24pl) September 6, 2024
Westerplatte, PIT-RADWAR S.A., Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego (lider),
Zakłady Mechaniczne „TARNÓW” S.A. za 35 mm Okrętowy System Uzbrojenia OSU-35K
Another consortium with PIT-Radwar S.A. as leader, AM Technologies Sp. z o.o. and the Warsaw University of Technology (PL: Politechnika Warszawska) received an award statuette for the Passive Location System (SPL).
The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology (leader) (PL: Wojskowy Instytut Techniki Pancernej i Samochodowej, WTPiS) and the companies Chema DS and Mista were awarded for the Kuna configurable autonomous multi-role platform.
Wojskowy Instytut Techniki Pancernej i Samochodowej (lider), CHEMA DS Sp. z o.o.,
— Defence24 (@Defence24pl) September 6, 2024
MISTA Sp. z o. o. za konfigurowalną autonomiczną platformę wielozadaniową „KUNA”
Technology company GISS has received a Defender for its SatPack Cobalt modular satellite terminal.
The consortium of the WAT, the Institute of Optoelectronics (leader), the Teldat company, and the NASK National Research Institute was recognised for its modular quantum optical cryptography system.
The award also went to Demarko for its ST 775-24W.H-PA low loader trailer.
DEMARKO Spółka Akcyjna za naczepę niskopodwoziową ST 775-24W.H-PA
— Defence24 (@Defence24pl) September 6, 2024
A consortium of Autocomp Management and the Military Institute of Armament Technology (PL: Wojskowy Instytut Techniczny Uzbrojenia, WITU) has taken home the award for the network-centric command module of the comprehensive simulator for training sub-units equipped with the Rosomak Wheeled Armoured Vehicle.
Zakład Automatyki i Urządzeń Pomiarowych Arex Sp. z o.o. (a WB Group subsidiary) and WB Group received the award for the ZMU-05 remote armament module.
A total of 104 products were submitted for the competition.
The President of the Republic of Poland’s award for the product that best serves to enhance the safety of soldiers went to Radmor/WB Group for the Perad 5010 broadband personal radio. The award was presented by the deputy head of the National Security Bureau, Lieutenant General Dariusz Łukowski.
The competition committee also awarded special prizes.
The Defence Minister’s Special Distinction was awarded to the Łukasiewicz Research Network-Aviation Institute (PL: Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz-Instytut Lotnictwa) for the ILR-Bursztyn 2K rocket.
The Programme Council’s special award was presented by its chairman, Deputy Defence Minister Paweł Bejda, to BC Arms for its Warrior ballistic shields.
Awards and distinctions of the head of the National Security Bureau, the General Commander of the Polish Armed Forces, the Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces, the head of the Armed Forces Support Inspectorate, the commander of the Territorial Defence Forces and the Polish Space Agency, as well as diplomas for the most carefully prepared stands were also handed. A special award from the Minister of Development and Technology for the best Polish arms exporter went to the Jakusz company from Kościerzyna. The company was distinguished not only for its export volume, but also for its investment in research and development.