Multidomain HMS C3IS JASMINE

The complexity of contemporary armed operations leads to the emergence of higher requirements defined for the military equipment or training, but also the broadly understood command chain. The requirements within that scope are characterized by several adjectives, as the command chain needs to be efficient, effective, and so on. Nevertheless, the tempo of command processes is also an important requirement. It is tied primarily to the speed at which the individual command cycles are completed, within the command process, states Brig. General (ret.), professor Janusz Kręcikij, Ph.D. Eng., Deputy Director at the National Security Institute, Head of the Security Management and Command Department at the Faculty of Security of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University.
Article written in collaboration with TELDAT
The main matter associated with achieving a proper level of command tempo is the capability of own forces to utilize the information advantage by transforming it into an ability to rapidly implement command processes and procedures - impossible to achieve when conventional solutions are used. The level of decision-associated risks should not be heightened. For assumption as such, any "fast" command cycle shall:
- lead to translation of information advantage into a decision-making advantage, and, consequently, action advantage;
- create the ever-since desirable capacity to act within the adversary's decision-making process;

- diminish the freedom of action for the enemy, when it comes to alternative options, providing own forces with a capability to choose among different variants of solving decision-making problems.
The relevance of the aforesaid domain grows, as the level of complexity of contemporary military operations grows in the battlespace. The related phenomena are especially pronounced when it comes to C2 in joint operations, or in the multidomain operations that have gained a lot of attention in recent years. Apart from the well-understood, classic domains (air, land, sea), the domain set is joined by space and cyberspace.
Automated command process support systems play a key role in resolving the command issues in new circumstances. These provide support for commanders and staff in implementing the undertakings tied to any actions, stages, and phases forming the command process, in the role of facilitators, accelerating these activities. Multidomain Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level - HMS C3IS JASMINE is a solution as such. This article showcases its multi-faceted capabilities.
The HMS C3IS JASMINE - Multidomain Headquarters Management System for Operational and Tactical Level is the only available and operational, Polish solution within the discussed scope that also offers a capacity to provide ICT support for military operations and can be used in lower-tier elements, also as equipment of the command and fighting vehicles. More importantly, the said system is recommended and certified, while the interoperability has been certified by the relevant NATO bodies. Relevant testimonials have also been issued by the Polish Armed Forces, military academia included. The above means that the system may also act as an information hub, providing the user with a systemic, multidomain operational profile, establishing situational awareness for all parties involved, also if assigned to different domains.

The system above, developed by TELDAT and being already used by the Polish Armed Forces has seen expansive employment. It can be used at corps, division, brigade, regiment, or battalion level. As mentioned above, it is also ready for being used at lower levels of the chain of command, also in command vehicles. This stems from the fact that the solution in question can effectively be used in mobile command applications (vehicles for instance), with the use of Radio communication means. This has been repeatedly proven during several training exercises and tests, conducted domestically and abroad.
One should be aware that HMS C3IS JASMINE is undergoing continuous research, testing, development, and upgrades. The actions undertaken within that scope refer to the domain of ICT security. Emphasis is placed here, primarily, but not solely, on ensuring top levels of cyberspace resilience. This is especially relevant within the context of multidimensional, multidomain operations, in both domestic and allied settings. Not to mention the fact that the solution analyzed here constantly addresses the latest trends, or the national or NATO requirements, becoming suited to work in the Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) arrangement.
The analysis of the available materials, including specialist assessments, leads to a conclusion that no other automated command support system exists in Poland that - as HMS C3IS JASMINE - would guarantee:
- test and research proven interoperability and full readiness to work with similar solutions;
- capacity to aggregate and analyze data across multiple domains;
- capacity to process information;
- some command support/operational support functionalities - at operational, and tactical levels likewise.
The solution in question has a high rating - and this seems to be confirmed by the competition in the sector as well. This is a rare case, worth highlighting. "HMS C3IS JASMINE is one of the best, if not the best system as such in Europe, or maybe even around the world", said Piotr Wojciechowski - President of the Management Board at the WB Group, referring to the capacity of the Polish defence industry exhibits in the military ICT domain (K. Wilewski, Jak ulepszyć Jaśmin? \[How JASMINE could be enhanced?\], Polska Zbrojna vol. 9(905), Warsaw 2021, p. 50).
JASMINE's take on interoperability
Considering the interoperability as such, when it comes to joint operations with other command support systems, one shall emphasize the unique levels of interoperability offered by the system in question. HMS C3IS JASMINE is currently fully ready to work with the operational domains as follows:
- Sea;
- Land;
- Air;
- Cyber;
- Space.
whereas the above refers to functioning within the Polish Armed Forces, and in an allied setting. These capabilities emerge directly on the grounds of the implementation of previously used, and the latest, international and allied interoperability standards. They are also related to the automated, immediate, effective, and secure dissemination of threat data, and the establishment of the digital situational picture. All of the above capabilities have an impact on the actual functionality of the system, creating conditions for gaining an information advantage, thus gradually enhancing situational awareness and operational safety.


JASMINE and Its broad spectrum of capabilities
Another important area that has a relevant impact on the scope within and ways in which the discussed solution is used is the broad set of its tactical and technical capacity. HMS C3IS JASMINE makes it possible to create a Joint Common Operation Picture and to rapidly exchange information - including data on logistics and intelligence. All of the processes above are secure automated and fault-free. They take place in a credible, and timely manner, using standardized NATO communication protocols and the latest technical solutions. The system is also characterized by a broad number of functionalities. The most important ones are as follows:
- optimization of the command process (and its phases: positioning, planning, task assignment, control). The system is also designed to carry out joint operations with heightened situational awareness and a higher level of safety. This can be achieved through the automated and immediate distribution of data on threats and blue force tracking. The system is capable of displaying this data on digital maps;
- real-time visualization of the operational picture (including a Joint Common Operational Picture) and BFT - Blue Force Tracking;
- establishment of advantage in the ICT sphere and to the elimination of data transfer delays, also when it comes to the positioning of own units and vehicles such as the tactical command vehicles. HMS C3IS JASMINE eliminates the need to create maps with the positioning of those assets on paper, manually;
- secure operations (also with regards to the processing of confidential data) within ICT structures of stationary and mobile command posts and military vehicles;
- effective integration and joint operations with other systems, including allied systems, through the implementation of NATO standards, including command, communications, fighting, reconnaissance, and simulation standards;
- automated operational data exchange at the tactical level with the use of radio links, including narrowband radio links and the original BRM (Battlefield Replication Mechanism) protocol;
- ability to efficiently manage (create, transfer, control) command communications that takes place with the use of documents, such as plans, orders, reports, combat journal, and a myriad of templates - also in group settings;
- data archiving, including several layers of graphics and voice recordings. This makes it possible to precisely carry out an after-action review and refer to facts. This is very useful for after-action review in operations and training;
- the existing capability of the ongoing implementation of other necessary or desirable services, supplied by technologically coherent remaining systems within the C3IS JASMINE suite, for instance: BMS C3IS JASMINE (Battlefield Management System for Battalion, Company, Platoon & Section), DSS C3IS JASMINE (Dismounted Soldier System), JFSS C3IS JASMINE (Joint Fires Support System, including JTAC), and CID C3IS JASMINE (Combat IDentification Server).

JASMINE in a multidomain battlespace
The readiness for being used in a multidomain battlespace is an important element of functionality offered by HMS C3IS JASMINE. The system, currently, is being developed by TELDAT, with the main focus related to the enhancement of its multidomain profile. In this specific case, the above means that the manufacturer is striving at enhancing the data links established via the HMS C3IS JAŚMIN system between domains. The operational activities within that scope undertaken now make the system well-suited to act as an information hub that, thanks to the automated data exchange, which guarantees certainty and credibility of data delivery, eliminating any vulnerabilities in terms of spoofing, jamming, and content tampering. Notably, the above processes may also be taking place in a highly secure network, at high confidentiality levels. Thus, it has become possible to effectively integrate and jointly use a varied array of sensors, effectors, and other (including allied) systems, also when it comes to efficient data download. Numerous, international programmes, and military exercises as well, seem to be the confirmation of the above.
The aforesaid achievements in integration and cooperation would not have been possible without any specific activities undertaken by the creators of the system discussed here. This refers to consistent use of the HMS C3IS JASMINE development, for gaining know-how, conclusions, and experience, based on its long-term use in the Polish Armed Forces. These experiences result on the grounds of intense use and testing of this solution during numerous military undertakings, be it Polish or allied ones. The system is also being used in the learning / R&D processes at military universities. All of the above factors had, and still have a positive impact on the maturity and complexity of the system, as it becomes ready for use in a multidomain environment.
A broad integration and fusion of HMS C3IS JASMINE with systems and effectors across multiple domains has been possible thanks to its efficient data transfer capabilities, involving all of the available radio communications assets. The system is modular, which is often emphasized. Indeed, this is a relevant, measurable capacity. It makes it possible to attach extra modules or services to the system, responding to the need to integrate an increasingly growing number of systems and subsystems, providing the user with new capacity. The above serves a single purpose: create conditions in which more key information can be gathered over a short period, in which the data can be efficiently analyzed and put into use in the command chain.

The HMS C3IS JASMINE's capacity and readiness to engage in multidimensional joint operations with other systems is not just an empty declaration or a piece of marketing content that has no tangible proof in reality. One should remember that the analyzed system:
- as the only Polish solution as such, has received positive testimonials from the Polish Armed Forces, and the Polish military academia, along with recommendations, certificates, confirmations of interoperability and referential nature, issued by NATO, including a recommendation for operational and practical use;
- it is listed on the AFPL (Approved Fielded Product List);
- has been tested, multiple times, with the NATO MTRS (MIP Test Reference System);
- in 2020 was assessed by NATO ACT (Allied Command Transformation) as the most advanced point of reference for other allied products as such.
Multi-purpose use of the JASMINE System
It is natural for any user (military user included) to own and use proven products. In this case, it is justified to say that HMS C3IS JASMINE is a proven solution. For years now, it has been used by the Polish Armed Forces. It is also spoken of highly by the military officers - allied and Polish ones - Polish and foreign experts, and the representatives of the defence industry. Notably, the system in question has received numerous awards and distinctions, including ones granted by the Polish President, head of the MoD, or the Programme Council at the MSPO Kielce Exhibition.
The broad use of the HMS C3IS JASMINE system in the Polish Armed Forces seems to go unnoticed by the social sphere. To fill in that information gap, several facts need to be mentioned here. On 31st December 2015, the head of the Armed Forces Support Inspectorate issued the Referral no. 113, pertaining to commissioning of the system described here, as independent military equipment, with accelerated implementation and use in the Integrated Data Communication Nodes JASMINE. Furthermore, agreement on delivery of this solution to the Armed Forces was signed in 2018 - thus it has since seen unlimited use, as an autonomous military product.
Since years now, the HMS C3IS JASMINE has been used by Poland as a NATO member, by the Multinational Division North East established for NATO Forward Presence, and by the VJTF (Very High Readiness Joint Task Force) forces that remain on alert, representing Poland in this initiative. Currently, the III support line is being established for the system, within the framework of an agreement signed with the Polish MoD. This also pertains to the system updates. This creates a formal, organizational, and financial formula for establishing new capabilities in the Polish Armed Forces, especially within the scope of making the ICT and command support far more efficient.
We shall also remember that the system has been used for years now, and it has been tested, with a positive result, during the most important domestic and international military undertakings, including test programmes and further editions of military exercises: ANAKONDA, DRAGON, NATO CWID, NATO CWIX, COMBINED ENDEAVOR, BOLD QUEST, ALLIED SPIRIT, COMBINED RESOLVE, SABER STRIKE, BORSUK, ASTER, PIERŚCIEŃ, STOKROTA, BRAMA, TWIERDZA, and BARBAKAN.
In many of these, HMS C3IS JASMINE has been the sole Polish product, delivering high-level performance, and representing and promoting the Polish defence industry. One should also point out the broad use of the system in teaching and R&D activities, at labs especially, located at numerous military scientific and training facilities, such as War Studies University, Centre for Command Systems Support of the Armed Forces, Military University of Technology, and Center for IT and Communication Training. The implementation and development of systemic, multi-level solutions of HMS C3IS JASMINE instructor and operator training is another example of proper development of the system. The training activities are taking place at the War Studies University for instance. This is another relevant achievement in the dynamic development of the said system, and the effective development of the capacity to use it fully, in the Polish Armed Forces.

The results of the analysis of contemporary conflicts and related trends allow us to conclude that the multidomain profile of the conflicts is the vision or concept that would dominate the operational philosophy in the nearest future, with all of the related consequences. One shall then be aware of the fact that the Polish Armed Forces have a leading C3IS solution at their disposal, that is among the best systems of its class around the world. Furthermore, that product has been designed, is manufactured, maintained, and perfected domestically. This is also relevant when considering different aspects of the military pillar of national security, or military sovereignty. For that reason, one should put the tool presented here into use, with continued implementation and development. One shall not disregard its multidomain capability.
Author: Brig. general (ret.), professor Janusz Kręcikij, Ph.D. Eng., Deputy Director at the National Security Institute, Head of the Security Management and Command Department at the Faculty of Security of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University.
Article written in collaboration with TELDAT