PIAP Delivers Its Robots to Romania

It was in April 2019 when another batch of PIAP Gryf ® robots has been delivered to the Romanian Air Force. The contract concerned the modernized PIAP platforms that are being used for reconnaissance and for the purpose of inspecting areas that could be hardly accessible. This means that PIAP is involved in the large scale modernization plan that is being implemented by the Romanian military.
The Romanians made a request to modify a robot that had been delivered previously with a light control panel fitted with a full-HD touchscreen. PIAP Gryf robot has been lightened by 10 kilograms and now it features a smaller and lighter manipulator arm. Furthermore, the platform has also been delivered with the following extras:
- Holder for the recoilless disruptor,
- Robot-carrying backpack,
- New solutions for work in rough terrain.
The PIAP GRYF® robot, that has been lightened, is still equipped with a manipulator with five degrees of freedom, with an option of closing the gripping jaws, allowing the robot to carry objects with a mass of up to 10 kilograms. The robot’s wheels may be removed, which makes the system smaller and facilitates carrying out operations in narrow spaces. Thanks to the utilized drive systems, the robot is able to go over obstacles and hills with slope of up to 45 degrees. Perfect maneuverability and modular design can be listed among the most distinguishable features of this robot. PIAP GRYF® is very light, which facilitates transport of the system, and its modular design allows the user to rapidly reconfigure the device, with quick changes of the additional equipment made possible.

The PIAP GRYF ® system is tailored for operation with a broad range of additional equipment, including disruptor systems (such as the latest VULKAN CSL 50-40 VUL and VIPER CSL 50-30 VIP recoilless disruptor systems), semi-automatic shotgun, X-Ray system (such as Monos by LOGOS Imaging), explosive fumes sensor, fiber-optic drums and a bus for remote detonation of explosives.
Romania is currently implementing a large scale armed forces modernization programme. The most important parts of that programme include acquisition of the following equipment: Patriot air/missile defence systems, HIMARS rocket artillery system, Piranha V APCs, Piranha IIIC APCs, and extra Spike ATGMs with launchers.
Bucharest decided to increase defence spending following the Russian annexation of Crimea, which has been the factor motivating the large scale modernization. Since 2017 Romania has been spending 2% of its GDP on defence (compared to the level of 1.3% of GDP, back in 2013). Alongside the aforesaid programmes, Romania is also planning to acquire multirole aircraft, warships and transport and attack helicopters. PIAP is involved in the modernization efforts when it comes to the bomb disposal robots.
Romania is also involved in a close collaboration with Poland, within the scope of joint military effort undertaken due to the NATO alliance commitments. A Polish Rosomak APC element is present in Romania within the framework of the so called Tailored Forward Presence initiative concerning the Black Sea region. Romania, meanwhile, has deployed an anti-aircraft artillery element using the 35 mm guns to Orzysz/Bemowo Piskie-based allied battalion battle group commanded by the Americans.