

Polish Industry Secures Export Deal for Sniper Rifles

MWS-25 sniper rifle
MWS-25 sniper rifle
Photo. Aneta Gawle/ZM Tarnów

PGZ Group announced that ZM Tarnów signed a deal with an unspecified state in Africa, concerning delivery of the semi-automatic MWS-25 sniper rifles. Earlier on that gun had also been exported to Ukraine (a couple of examples).


This means that the Polish defence industry has achieved another success in the African market that seemed to have been neglected. After Beryl and Grot rifles were sold to Africa, the list of Polish firearms used there will be expanded with the ZM Tarnów MWS-25 sniper rifles. ZM Tarnów used to deliver the ZU-23-2CP AAA systems to Africa as well, alongside other products. No information was released on the contract value, but the manufacturer claimed that this is not the first export agreement concerning the MWS-25 rifles. Ukraine was the first state that procured the rifles from Tarnów (a couple of examples). The rifle has been showcased during a couple of events, including the recent World Defense Show 2024 in Saudi Arabia.

ZMT MWS-25 is a modular firearm that addresses the modern battlespace requirements quite well. The universal nature of the design, easiness of using suppressors, and flexibility all make them an attractive offering for customers all over the world.

@ Paweł Handkiewicz, ZM Tarnów, Director of Commerce.

This kind of export contract shows that the Polish Armed Forces do not necessarily need to be first in line when procuring products developed by the domestic industry and that these products can be attractive to the export customer. This needs to be used and emphasized as an example of efficient marketing efforts tied to Polish-made products. It also makes it possible to return at least some of the development cost to the manufacturer, allowing the designers to refine the products, so that they become even more attractive for further customers, including the Polish Armed Forces. Given the global demand for weapons is on the rise, opportunities as such need to be acted upon and marketed, also at the G2G level.


MWS-25 (SKW .308) is a member of a family of modular rifles developed by ZM Tarnów, to offer a single-platform solution that would also meet the needs of specific users. The rifle is gas-operated, with a short-travel gas piston. The gas block features an adjustable 4-position regulator which makes it possible to use different suppressors on the rifle. The rifle can fire .308 Win, 7.62x51 mm NATO, or 6.5 mm Creedmore ammunition, using 10/20 round mags. The barrel can be easily replaced, and there are multiple lengths available, from 13 to 20 inches. M-LOK mounts are placed on the side and bottom plane of the handguard - allowing the user to accessorize the gun as needed. The upper receiver is made out of aluminum and it is also a monolithic design.

The rifle without the accessories weighs from 4.6 to 5.6 kilograms, depending on the barrel length. The design is ambidextrous. The rifle’s stock is a folding one. Depending on the needs, the MWS-25 may come in the form of a semi-automatic sniper rifle, sporting rifle, or automatic/semi-automatic support weapon. So far Ukraine and unlisted African nation decided to procure this firearm.

Photo. Aneta Gawle/ZM Tarnów

