Sea-Air-Space 2018: Orbital ATK Showcases Missile Systems and Artillery

Orbital ATK showcases its Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile Extended Range (AARGM-ER) during the Navy League’s 2018 Sea-Air-Space Exposition. Additionally, various self-defense and artillery systems are being demonstrated. Also, a Trident ballistic missile is being shown. Orbital ATK provides solid propulsion for the system.
During the trade show, various offensive and defensive systems for the air and naval platforms are being demonstrated. Highlights include the Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile Extended Range (AARGM-ER). The missile is being developed, and it will be able to be carried in the 5th generation aircraft internal weapon bays, enabling to counter the anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) systems. Additionally, AARGM-ER is to use elements of existing AARGM missiles, particularly the guidance system.

What is more, at the Orbital ATK stand visitors can see the Trident II D5 SLBM. While Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for Trident, Orbital ATK provides solid propulsion for the system. Trident missiles are the main weapon systems of Ohio-class US strategic submarines, and UK Vanguard-class subs use them as well. Both countries aim to continue the use of Trident in new generation strategic submarines that are being developed - Columbia-class and Successor-class respectively.

Additional products showcased include the AAR-47 Missile Warning System and the ShotFinder Acoustic Threat Warning System. The latter can be used both on helicopters and fixed wing aircraft (like Cessna Caravan). It can warn the aircraft crews of small arms, air defense artillery or rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) fire.
Orbital ATK is also displaying its precision guidance capability for naval and ground artillery; Hatchet miniature precision glide weapon; and its Bushmaster® line of Chain Guns® (MK52 7.62mm, MK38 25mm and MK46/48 30mm) which support applications for air, land and sea weapons stations and platform integration.