Pilica VSHORAD System Received by the Polish Armed Forces

Photo. PGZ
PGZ-PILICA consortium has handed off the first series-manufactured combined SAM/AAA Pilica system to the 35th Air Defence Missile Squadron.
The first series manufactured PSR-A Pilica system is the second system of this class operated by the Polish Armed Forces. The first, prototype system has been commissioned in the 37th Air Defence Missile Squadron based in Sochaczew. The PGZ-PILICA consortium is planning on deliveries of another 2, series-manufactured systems. Their primary role is to provide VSHORAD cover for medium and short range air defence systems, such as Patriot. A Pilica firing unit can engage targets at a distance of 6,5 km with Piorun missiles, and 2-3 km with 23 mm guns.
"The Technical Modernization Plan devised by the Polish Armed Forces assumes that a multi-layered IADS would be procured, tailored to act against the whole spectrum of air threats. At all levels of this system, the Polish defence industry remains in possession of competency and capabilities to deliver tailor-made solutions, meeting the requirements of our soldiers. The PSR-A Pilica system is using Grom/Piorun missiles, distinguished by their precision, lethality, and all-weather, day, and night capability" - Sebastian Chwałek, President of the Management Board at the PGZ Group

Konsorcjum PGZ-PILICA (#PGZ, #PITRADWAR, #ZMT, #PCO) przekazało do 35 dr OP pierwszy seryjny zestaw PSR-A #Pilica.
— Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa🇵🇱 (@PGZ_pl) March 30, 2022
Więcej informacji➡️ @MON_GOV_PL @Polska_Zbrojna @Defence24pl @ZBiAM_news @DziennikZbrojny @_MILMAG @NTWojskowa @fragoutmagazine
PGZ-PILICA consortium is the contractor working on the Pilica combined AAA/SAM system. It is formed by the PGZ Companies listed below: PGZ S.A., PIT-RADWAR S.A., PCO S.A., and ZM Tarnów S.A. - the latter company is acting as the system's integrator.
The contract covers the delivery of 6 PSR-A Pilica systems. A single system comprises of 6 fire units along with tractors, a command station, radar; 2 transport vehicles, and 2 ammunition carriers. Each of the PSR-A Pilica fire units includes two automatic 23 mm AAA guns and 2 Grom/Piorun MANPADS launchers. Each of the systems has an optoelectronic sensor of its own, with a thermal imager and laser rangefinder. A configuration as such gives the Pilica system operator an ability to conduct autonomous operations, or act within an integrated, multi-layered air defence system in a VSHORAD role.

Photo. PGZ

Photo. PGZ