Spanish radars on Polish aiports

The Armaments Agency has announced that it has selected the best offer for the supply of equipment for 15 radar systems for airfield region control (RKRL) Drawa. The Spanish company INDRA SISTEMAS S.A. is the winner of this tender.
Mentioned tender was announced by the Armaments Agency in July 2023. It was the second proceeding for this equipment - the first (from march 2022) was cancelled because of the lack of suitable offer.
The tender involved precisely procedure of purchase 15 Drawa airfield radar region control (RKRL) systems, including eight in basic order and seven under the right of option. Additionaly, it was including the execution of crucial infrastructure (building works) containing assemblance and use of the RKRL and also conducting trainings, delivery of the essential documentation and logistics package.
The main aim of Drawa’s radar systems is to replace the Avia-W – equipment which is currently in use. The radar system to airfield area control is to be based on three-dimension radar station operating in the S-band (equipped with IFF Mk XIIA system with modem S and military GPS system receiver with a SASSM module). Another feature of this system is a capability of exchanging the information with external systems in ASTERIX and AWCIES standards. System can work in network-centric environment and is perceived as a accredited to „NATO Secret” classification.
According to the Armament Agency in the proceedings participated two offers that met all the requirements mentioned by orderer specified in the Terms of Reference and were not subject to rejection.
These two offers included Spanish INDRA SISTEMAS S.A. and German HENSOLDT SENSORS GmbH. The evaluation included issues like price, guarantee period, optional and bonus requirements and finally the INDRA’s offer was chosen as a most advantageous, but it is worthy to add, that both companies achieved the maximum number of points in the three last categories. Thus, the offer of INDRA was likely less expensive.