TELDAT Successfully Finalizes More Contracts This Year

Throughout 2021 the company finalized 19 contracts, pertaining to deliveries of products, services, and advanced projects in the military-grade ICT domain, for domestic and foreign customers - including reputable enterprises, R&D entities, and academia, including the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), states Daniel Lemke - Member of the Board - Operations Director TELDAT
The agreements or the stages of those agreements scheduled to be finalized this year have been accomplished without any remarks submitted by the Ordering Parties. Furthermore, the deliveries also happened way before the final deadlines - despite the pandemic and the detrimental phenomena related to these circumstances. This means that TELDAT, as an entity of special economic-defence significance, also completed its primary mission, bringing tangible benefits at the national, allied, and State Treasury levels.

The main agreements mentioned above (long term projects included) referred, and/or still refer to the following:
- Deliveries of more ICT Nodes, Automated JASMINE Crisis Management System, several military-grade ICT systems (Tactical Terminals included), and similar solutions dedicated for the Patriot MRAD system;

- Development of numerous innovative products, mainly in the C4ISR area - ICT system for the national command vehicles, the model of which successfully passed tests organized by the Polish MoD, as well as solutions developed for the SZAFIR programme;

- Development of the systems and products that have been delivered so far, and provision of manufacturer’s support for effective use (also within the scope of maintenance, servicing, overhauls, instructor training), e.g: HMS C3IS JASMINE - the Multi-Domain Automated Operational/Tactical Level Battle Management System, and JASMINE integrated ICT nodes.

Daniel Lemke - Member of the Board - Operations Director TELDAT