

WB Group Signs An Agreement on Supply of Its UAVs to Georgia

Photo. WB Group

The WB Group has signed a long-term agreement on the manufacturing of UAVs and loitering munitions in Georgia. Delta-WB company brought to life for that purpose would be the supplier of advanced solutions, based on the Polish know-how. The first systems, manufactured by the Polish-Georgian enterprise, shall be received by the user by the end of this year.


The agreement was signed in the Georgian Capital. WB Group was represented by the President of the WB Group, Piotr Wojciechowski, while Giorgi Khaindrava - Georgian Vice Minister of Defence, and Zurab Yavelidze, Director of the state STK company signed the deal on behalf of Georgia.


Delta-WB joint venture would act as the supplier of UAVs for the Georgian Armed Forces. The aforesaid entity has its seat located in Tbilisi. 50% of shares belong to the state-owned Delta International company, while the remaining 50% are owned by the WB Group.

    The Polish-Georgian enterprise is to deliver reconnaissance UAVs and loitering munitions. As per the adopted schedule, the first of the ordered UAVs are expected to be delivered to the Georgian Armed Forces by the end of 2022.


    A training facility subordinated to Delta-WB is expected to be established as well. The facility would render services for the Georgian Armed Forces, within the scope of preliminary training and perfecting the UAV operators’ skillset.

    The Delta-WB company would also remain responsible for the modernization and repairs of the delivered systems. Should a need arise, guarantee service would be provided as well.


