ŁUKASIEWICZ – PIAP Introducing a New Mobile Robot

PIAP Patrol® is a medium-sized tracked robot designed for CBRN detection and reconnaissance and counter-IED purposes.
Due to its size and the motors used, PIAP Patrol® can be employed indoors, outdoors, and in rough terrain. Compact and modular design makes the robot transportable even in a passenger vehicle. The robot has been equipped with a manipulator with six degrees of freedom, with the option of closing the gripping jaws. Thanks to the above, the robot could be used for observation or transport purposes, or to carry objects weighing up to 22 kilograms. The manipulator can be used within a 2 meters radius and it can move in any plane.
The latest ŁUKASIEWICZ PIAP robot designed can be employed by the military, police, or by the fire brigades. For that purpose, the robot has been tailored to carry a myriad of accessories, including armament used to neutralize IEDs (such as the RDS/CSL 50-40 Vulkan disrupter or Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun with a camera and a holographic sight). The robot has also been integrated with a portable Logos Imaging X-ray system.
The robot may be fitted with sensors for detecting radiation, chemical weapons, industrial toxic substances, and explosives. They provide the measurement data, in an ongoing manner, to the operator’s console. The operator is informed immediately, when the robot enters a cloud of toxic smoke or when the object inspected is unsealed, which creates leak of the hazardous substance for instance. The use of sensors is optional. The above means that the sensors may be installed depending on the mission requirements. Accessories as such are attached to various parts of the robot, depending on the mission plan and the planned use of the gripper. To record measurements at close distances, one needs to install the sensors on the gripper. Reconnaissance measurements are recorded with the sensors attached to the base or the manipulator. The light control panel is used to operate both the mobile X-ray systems, as well as the CBRN sensors.
The robot can be remotely controlled with the use of a panel that is identical to the one used in other Ł-PIAP mobile vehicles. The panel is digital and it is also applied in the case of the PIAP Fenix® and PIAP Gryf® robots.

PIAP Patrol® is an entirely new design making use of 2 decades of experience gathered by Ł-PIAP engineers. The development of that model took one year. The purpose of that system is to replace the analog RMI robot that has been used so far, with a new, digital design belonging to the 100 kilograms class.