MSBS Rifle Contract to be Signed During the MSPO Event? President Wojnicz Talks About the Inventory to be Used by the Territorial Defence Units

“We are currently engaged in a number of negotiation procedures involving the Polish Ministry of Defence, concerning the armament and equipment - as it was stressed by Błażej Wojnicz, President of the Management Board at the PGZ company, in his interview for also has made an emphasis on another issue, suggesting that one of the most significant projects is related to the plan, the goal of which would be to deliver the MSBS rifles for the Polish Armed Forces.A relevant agreement shall be signed during this year’s edition of the MSPO Defence Exhibition, held in Kielce.
I cannot hide the fact that the issue related to signing of the MSBS contract, with the rifle being delivered by the Radom-based Łucznik factory, is fairly important to us. We deeply believe that such agreement would be concluded during the MSPO exhibition in September this year.
As noted by Błażej Wojnicz, PGZ’s President of the Management Board, the MSBS system has successfully passed the test programme. No negative opinions were submitted by the users. PGZ currently considers it is a priority to deliver the said equipment for the Polish Army, as soon as a relevant agreement is signed. According to the information released during the Ostróda event, the first MSBS assault rifles shall be received by the Polish Territorial Defence Units before the end of this year. As for now, the Beryl rifle constitutes the primary firearm of the aforesaid branch of the Armed Forces. This firearm, similarly as the MSBS, has also been manufactured at the Łucznik Radom Arms Factory.
Read more: Polish Rifles for the Polish Armed Forces. MSBS Modular Firearms System.
President Wojnicz has also stressed the importance borne by the framework collaboration agreement, signed during the Pro Defense 2017 event in Ostróda by and between the Polish Armaments Group and the Inspectorate for Implementation of Innovative Defence Technologies. The purpose of the aforesaid agreement would be to establish a solid cooperation within the scope of modern technologies that could potentially be used for the purpose of manufacturing equipment and armament for the Armed Forces, or for being incorporated in products meeting the criteria of being innovative. The framework collaboration agreement concerns, above all, the transfer of information and knowledge, within the sphere of the technologies that could be used by the Polish Armed Forces.
Read more: Pro Defense: PGZ and I3TO Sign a Collaboration Agreement
Thanks to the exchange of the information, we will know what would be needed by the future soldiers, what is missing from their inventory kit now, what could be given to them, what armament should be used to make them safe and, above all, operationally effective in the battlefield.
According to Wojnicz, the Polish Armaments Group is capable of fully equipping the Territorial Defence soldiers, and more. MSBS Modular Firearms System, PCO S.A. optronic systems, and Maskpol headgear and bulletproof vests have all been listed as an example of the offer created by the Group.
We are driven to equip the Polish soldiers, Polish soldiers of the Territorial Defence Branch, but not only, which shall be stressed, with the inventory provided by the Polish Armaments Group.