Air Force
MSPO 2015: K-811H Countermeasure Dispenser. Air Force Institute of Technology Enhances The Protection Of The Polish Helicopters.

During the MSPO 2015 event in Kielce, the Air Force Institute of Technology has showcased the K-811 dispensers for the standard NATO 1x1x8 inch countermeasures. The system’s purpose is to be used on the helicopters. The system is integrated with the ASO 2W countermeasure beams, used in case of the Mi-17, Mi-24 and W-3 Sokół rotor-craft. TNZ-811H flare countermeasures have been developed by the Institute, together with the dispenser.
During the MSPO 2015 event in Kielce, the Air Force Institute of Technology has showcased the K-811 dispensers for the standard NATO 1x1x8 inch countermeasures. The system’s purpose is to be used on the helicopters. Air Force Institute of Technology is the leader of the initiative, the aim of which was to develop the equipment. The institute is supported by the Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry (IPO) and the Boryszew S.A. company. The main idea which was pursued by the ITWL (Air Force Institute of Technology) engineers was to integrate the ASO 2W system with the NATO-standard flares. Up until now, the countermeasure systems used by the Polish rotor-craft were only able to launch the Russian NT-26 and Polish PPI-26 flares. Using the countermeasures compliant with the NATO standards enhances the passive defence of the aircraft. In comparison with the NT-26/PPI-26 flares, NATO countermeasures have a doubled mass and they burn on the whole surface, thus increasing the amount of the emitted radiation five times. This is very important, when it comes to interruption of the guided missiles sensors operation.
The agreement related to the development of the new dispenser, along with the compliant flares, was signed at the end of 2012. The programme is realized with the use of the funds provided by The National Centre for Research and Development. The equipment has been tested in 2014, within the area of the 21st Central Aviation Range in Nadarzyce.
W-3 Sokół was the carrier ship, throughout the qualification tests. Flare launching sequences with a variety of configurations was checked throughout the test. The tests are also being conducted at a special test station developed by the Institute. The station checks the effectiveness of the passive countermeasures. The test programme has proven that flares may be launched safely, while the whole process is executed correctly, for any launch sequences.
For the needs of the test programme, the first eight dispensers and 200 flares were manufactured. The manufacturer claims that the K-811H dispensers may also be fitted onboard of the MiG-29 and Su-22 jets which also use the passive countermeasures based on the ASO 2W system. K-811H dispenser holds 32 flares. Total mass of the system is 9kg (loaded, the dispenser itself is made out of composite, its weight is 3.3 kg), while the length is 54.5 cm.
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