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MSR Gryfia Shiprepair Yard Installs Ballast Water Treatment Systems

Gryfia Naval Shiprepair Yard is dealing with performance of works related to installation of systems that can be used for the purpose of treatment of the ballast water.The first order has been received by Gryfia from the KESS company.
New IMO regulations are going to become valid as of 8th September, arising on the grounds of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments. The above means that all of the seagoing vessels shall be obliged to dispose of the ballast water with the use of special-purpose treatment systems. The shipowners are making decisions to set up the relevant equipment onboard of the ships, to meet the convention’s requirements immediately after it becomes valid. The owner of the car carriers fleet - KESS - has entrusted the Morska Stocznia Remontowa Gryfia S.A. yard with setting up the systems for treating the ballast water on his ships.
The first of the ships - Main Highway - has undergone the works at the yard in July. At the moment, Neckar Highway vessel awaits the installation of a ballast water treatment system at the dock no. 1 - the ship is to leave the yard on Aug. 31st. Both vessels are almost 100 meters long and 19.6 meters wide. Thanks to their small draught, they are capable of using the smaller ports.
KESS is one of the long-time customers of the MSR Gryfia S.A. company. The Stettin-based yard often hosts the easily recognizable red-white car carriers. MSR Gryfia carries out intermediary and class overhauls on these ships. This year, dock overhauls are being carried out by the said yard in case of the Elbe Highway and Thames Highway vessels. The overhauls included dismantling of the propulsion system, a complex inspection and repairs of the thrusters and main and auxiliary engines, as well as maintenance, electrical, piping, mechanical and fitting works.
Two years ago MSR Gryfia has installed scrubbers for diminishing the sulphur content in the exhaust gases in case of four of KESS’s ships. The project was related to implementation of the Sulphur Directive in the Baltic and North Sea regions.
Alongside the ship repairs and conversions, MSR Gryfia also deals with creation of offshore steel structures. MSR Gryfia has been active on this market since more than 15 years now, delivering housing units and equipment for the oil rigs, as well as subsea structures, destined to be installed at the bottom of the sea.