PGZ Presents the Offer for the Territorial Defence Forces. Macierewicz: MSBS Firearms Are a Certainty

Antoni Macierewicz, Head of the Polish Ministry of Defence, has met up with the representatives of the Polish defence sector, in order to discuss the equipment procurement prospects, within the context of the inventory destined to be received by the Territorial Defence Forces.
The offer, as well as production capabilities have altogether been presented by the companies gathered within the Polish Armaments Group (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa - PGZ): PCO S.A., „OBRUM” sp. z o.o., Łucznik Radom Arms Factory, ZM Tarnów S.A., Wojskowe Zakłady Inżynieryjne S.A. [Military Engineering Works], Bydgoszcz based Belma S.A. company, Dezamet S.A. company, Wojskowe Zakłady Uzbrojenia S.A. [Military Armament Works], Wojskowe Zakłady Motoryzacyjne S.A. [Military Automotive Works], Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze nr 2 S.A. [Military Aviation Works No. 2], Jelcz sp. z o.o., Maskpol S.A. and Mesko S.A.
Read more: Optoelectronics and UAV System for the Polish Territorial Defence Units. Three Contracts Concluded.
Polish Minister of Defence has declared that among other systems, MSBS rifle is going to become an element of the equipment utilized by the Territorial Defence. “We may say that today we have got acquainted with great launchers, anti tank and anti personnel mines, the first class equipment” - as the Macierewicz stated. He added that procurement of the individual equipment for the soldiers has already been settled. Antoni Macierewicz declared that, in line with the assuring statements made by the companies, any orders placed before June could see deliveries this and next year.
Read more: Polish Rifles for the Army. MSBS Modular Firearms System.
The first contracts concerning the equipment for the WOT (Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej - Territorial Defence Forces) component have already been concluded. The agreements cover acquisition of the optronic hardware manufactured by PCO S.A., firearms, including the Beryl rifles (another contract is being negotiated now), along with CRBN protection equipment proposed by Maskpol. The territorial defence units are also going to receive some of the Piorun MANPADS, developed by the Mesko S.A. company. Numerous R&D initiatives that are underway, pursued by the PGZ affiliated entities also have a purpose of being dedicated to the Territorial Defence Forces.
In the future, the said component may receive, e.g. the newly developed Pirat ATGMs. The Armament Inspectorate has recently announced that a procurement procedure has been initiated to acquire the Jelcz heavy duty vehicles too.
Wiesław Kukuła, Commander of the Territorial Defence Component was involved in the meeting, alongside the President of the Management Board at the Polish Armaments Group - Błażej Wojnicz. Minister Macierewicz stressed the fact that meetings, concerning the hardware for the Territorial Defence units, are taking place in cycles, to make the process of procuring the equipment “fluid”.
The offer of the Polish industry makes it possible for us to critically approach the equipment that is already being manufactured and operated in the Army. In general, we assume that the equipment plan we are going to acquire from the Polish Armaments Group is going to be competitive, in comparison with the top notch designs offered globally, triggering the change of the equipment plan which, as I think, is going to happen across the whole military, generation-wise.
Read more: Poland Spends PLN 1 Billion to Cover Procurement of the Piorun MANPADS. JASSM-ER Deal Closing In.