PGZ Signs a Cooperation Agreement with the Polish Military Academia

Polish Armaments Group has signed a memorandum on collaboration in the area of research, development and implementation of defence and security domain initiatives with the Military University of Technology and with the Military Institute of Armament Technology.
President of the PGZ Group, Błażej Wojnicz, claimed that the Agreements are a proof of the strategic role, the group plays in the military procurement system maintained by the Polish Ministry of Defence, and in the system of collaboration, within the scope of innovations and R&D initiatives, involving the Polish academia.
– Today, we are signing a strategic agreement on cooperation with the Polish Universities subordinated to the Polish Ministry of Defence, as both we, as well as the Military University of Technology and the Military Institute of Armament Technology, are aware that the Polish Army needs the latest, the best, and the most effective equipment on the battlefield.And we want to deliver such equipment, in cooperation with those institutions, for the Polish Armed Forces and beyond. – as Wojnicz stated.
Director of the Military Institute of Armament Technology, Col. Jacek Borkowski, stated that the agreement is a “new beginning” for collaboration seen between the Institute and the PGZ Group companies – It is a fact that our collaboration, up until now, was has been very interesting, one should mention the “Grot” modular firearms system here.I deeply believe that the agreement signed today should have specific results soon – as it was stated by vice-rector of the Military University of Technology, Professor Lucjan Śnieżek.