
Armed Forces

Poland Acquires Naval Boarding Ladders

  • Fot.: archiwum Beaty Dziak-Jankowskiej
    Fot.: archiwum Beaty Dziak-Jankowskiej

The Armament Inspectorate has started a tender, aim of which is to acquire more than 120 naval boarding ladder bundles.

The Inspectorate plans to purchase:

  • 55 single ladders, along with the necessary equipment;

  • 32 double ladders, along with the necessary equipment;

  • 32 folding single ladders, along with the necessary equipment;

  • 8 boathook boarding ladders, along with the necessary equipment.

Detailed description of the subject of the order has not been published, it is going to be delivered to the contractors invited to place the offers, which are to be composed in a form of Terms of Reference. We know that single and double hooks, bump stops, soft ladders, rotatable bases, folding bases, transport bags, and so on, are considered to be the necessary equipment.

Price (70% importance), guarantee (20% importance) and possible delivery date (10% importance) are the main criteria of the tender. Final offer placing deadline expires on 19th March 2015.


