Poland Launches Daglezja Pontoon Bridges Procurement Again

The Armament Inspectorate of the Polish MoD has just published information on order concerning the pontoon bridge sets for the Polish Armed Forces, aimed at replacing the PP-64 Wstęga system. The above concerns a restart of Daglezja pontoon counterpart programme that is expected to lead to a selection of a solution utilizing a wheeled platform.
The Ordering Party is waiting for the set of preliminary offers until 11th February 2020. It is willing to invite up to three potential contractors - the number is equal to the one associated with the Daglezja-P programme. Price is the sole criterion of the assessment. The former procurement procedure concerning 7 pontoon bridge sets with optional acquisition of another 3 and a single ferryboat has been cancelled due to the limited funds that made it impossible to continue the proceedings.
The pontoon bridge inventory shall make it possible to create bridges and ferries allowing the tracked and wheeled vehicles to cross water obstacles. MLC 70 is the minimum capacity requirement for the tracked platforms and MLC 96 is applicable in case of the wheeled vehicles (including main battle tank-carrying heavy duty vehicles) with maximum water current speed of at least 1.5 meters per second with water depth of no more than 2.0 meters.
This is to make it possible to create and maintain bridge and ferry crossings in case of water obstacles with minimum depth of no less than 1 meter and with current speed of 1.5 meters per second. A single set of pontoon bridge system should make it possible to cross an obstacle that would be at least 100 meters wide, or to create two MLC 70/96 capacity ferries. These requirements are somewhat equivalent to the ones defined for the Daglezja-P tender. This is not really a surprise, considering the reasons as to why the past procedure has been cancelled.
Currently a single pontoon bridge set is to consist of the following elements:
- Vehicles making it possible to transport the bridge and personnel, defined in line with the specification of the bridge system issued by the manufacturer;
- Pontoon sections;
- Ramps/bank blocks;
- Boats/propulsion means;
- Equipment required to create and maintain the crossing;
- Tools and hardware required to maintain, repair and adjust the bridges;
- Equipment that is indispensable, when it comes to moving around public roads, via railway and maritime transport;
- Documentation required within the scope of operational use, maintenance and repairs;
- Diagnostics systems making it possible to detect and find potential malfunctions
and define the scope of repairs needed; - Maintenance kit (ZO).
Furthermore, alongside the specified “pontoon park” inventory, the delivery is also to include spares and repair parts. The contractor shall also provide the Ordering Party with a relevant training package.
The Ordering Party has also set a requirement for the vehicles transporting the bridge system used by the military - they are to be the same as the platforms already operated. This will make it possible to address the need of making the vehicles inventory more homogeneous.
Relevant modifications that may be required with regards to the carrier platform are also taken into consideration.
Detailed information would be provided to the contractors after they are invited to place the preliminary offers.