Armed Forces
Poland Procures IFF Systems for Poprad and Pilica Air Defence Assets

The Armament Inspectorate of the Polish MoD, acting on behalf of the Treasury, has just concluded an agreement with the sole domestic IFF systems supplier - the PIT-RADWAR S.A. company. The agreement concerns the IKZ-P short-range IFF Mark XIIA devices.
64 systems in a platform-integrable version have been ordered. Additionally, optional procurement of another 60 examples has been envisaged, along with a logistics/training package. The interrogators acquired are designed for being integrated on the Poprad self-propelled anti-aircraft missile systems and Pilica AAA/SAM systems.
The IKZ-50P interrogator (compliant with IFF Mark XIIA) uses modes 4 and 5, once connected with a proper encryption system. It has been designed for use with short and very-short range radars. It may also be used autonomously, as the final identification element, the use of which is preceding the employment of weapons. It is an element of identification systems family developed by PIT-RADWAR.

Tailoring the system to work in mode 5 will allow the air defence elements using the new interrogators to work together with the NATO forces. This will be possible thanks to the correct identification of allied aircraft after issuing of codes for mode 4 comes to a closure. According to data previously released, confirmed by NATO partially, this is to happen in July 2020.
The manufacturer does stress the fact that the introduction of modern digital systems and signal processing algorithms, along with ISLS/RSLS allow for accurate and reliable identification of threats. Expansive auto diagnostics and modular design make troubleshooting quick and allow for rapid repairs. Software updates, meanwhile, make it possible to upgrade the system’s capacity in the future.
Compact design, low power requirements and ability to be connected to fixed and rotating IFF antennas make it possible for the system to work with a broad array of SHORAD and VSHORAD solutions.
IT-RADWAR S.A., acting as a supplier of military-grade professional electronics always goes to great lengths to make the offered systems compliant with top standards, using state of the art tech also ensuring top levels of security. We are happy when the military appreciates what we do, deciding to select our equipment.
The gross value of the agreement signed (guaranteed quantity) is PLN 107 million. Should the right of option be fully exercised, the value would go up to 214 million zlotys. According to the Armament Inspectorate, the deliveries are to be finalized by the end of January 2024.