Polish Industrial Development Agency Provides a Financing Loan to the ZM Tarnów Company

On 1st September this year, a loan agreement has been signed by and between the Polish Industrial Development Agency (ARP S.A.) and the ZM Tarnów S.A. company at the seat of the ARP S.A. body. The event involved the President of the ARP, Michał Szaniawski, President of the ZM Tarnów company, Henryk Łabędź, and Vice-President of the PGZ Group, Robert Gut. Thanks to the loan, the ZM Tarnów facility will have a chance to make a 25.9 million zlotys investment in company development, with 20 million zlotys (77%) coming from the ARP S.A. financing.
“Financial services are an important domain of activities undertaken by ARP.Our offer is being used by companies operating in numerous domains.We are satisfied with the fact that the armament industry, which is a strategic sector from the point of view of the national interest, is included among the aforesaid areas.In this case it is very important that we are providing a loan which is to become an investment impulse, making it possible to further develop the company” – as it was stated by the ARP S.A. President, Marcin Chludziński.
The goal of the initiative is to provide extra equipment and machinery for the facility and to modernize the real estate. Some of the steps, such as procurement of a processing, milling or machining systems, and repairs within the buildings, have already been taken back in the year 2016. Further financing is going to be used to procure computer-controlled CNC machinery, including lathes, milling cutters, driller-milling cutter, chamber furnace, honing machine, machine tool, horizontal boring tool, laser signature markesr, and to renovate the buildings.
“The loans are a primary bank product that supports the industry.The loans have always been a stimulus for constant market development.The loaning system for the enterprises allowed us to achieve technological advances.Since I have been the President of the company, I treat any sort of money as investment.I am really satisfied with the fact that Industrial Development Agency sees us as a serious and trustworthy partner. Each penny is going to be invested by the ZM Tarnów company in development of our machinery inventory, which shall have an impact on development of the whole Polish Armaments Group”- as it was stated by the President of the ZM Tarnów facility, Henryk Łabędź.
The ZM Tarnów’s roots date back to the year 1917. Starting from the year 2015, ZM Tarnów has been a member of the PGZ Group, gathering more than 60 armament industry companies together. The Company in question is an entity classified as an enterprise playing a strategic role in provision of national security. Anti aircraft weaponry and machine guns are the primary products developed by ZM Tarnów.
“The fact that a loan has been granted for the ZM Tarnów company is a great piece of news, not only for the company, but also for the Polish Armaments Group.The Tarnów-based entity is one of the core bodies within the Group in the area of anti-aircraft systems and firearms.I am convinced that the money received from the Industrial Development Agency is going to be used right, contributing to expansion of the production abilities which would translate into enhanced competitiveness of the facility and create new export options” - as it was stated by the PGZ Vice-President, Robert Gut.
The financial means obtained thanks to the loan would enhance the manufacturing abilities and efficiency of the Company. Investment in the machinery and devices and reconstruction and adaptation of buildings would contribute to enhanced efficiency of the company, allowing the Tarnów facility to finalize the planned and concluded military contracts.
Loans are one of the significant elements of the activities undertaken by the Polish Industrial Development Agency company which addresses its offer primarily to medium and large enterprises seeking for assistance in financing of development and investments. The businesses may count on loans ranging from couple to several million zlotys. ARP applies simple and transparent rules, when a company is willing to obtain financing. No hidden fees exist, each and every project is analysed individually. Moreover, the Agency allows for fusing own loans with bank financing. The return process is tailored to the specific nature of the given project. Throughout the last 6 years ARP S.A. has provided the Polish companies with loans and funds in a total amount of PLN 3.66 billion.