Polish Navy Signs IFF Acquisition Agreement

The Armament Inspectorate has signed an agreement covering deliveries of IFF systems for the Polish Navy’s warships. The winning bid was placed by the Enamor Sp. z o. o. company, spokesman for the Inspectorate, Major Krzysztof Płatek told us.
The above refers to the delivery of the IFF Mark XIIA transponder in a warship variant, including the warship integration procedure. The PLN 8.8 million contract, without any right of option envisaged, was concluded on 10th August 2021. It covers the delivery of 15 transponders that are to be delivered between 2022 and 2024. Enamor Sp. z o. o. is the contractor.
Only a couple of Polish Navy vessels use the current Mode 5/Mark XIIA IFF systems. The legacy Mode 4 is no longer supported, as of 1st July 2020. After the work envisaged within this agreement is completed, the primary Polish Navy vessels (including the legacy ones), would feature the new IFF hardware.
Integration of the IFF systems would allow for joint NATO operations of the warships, and operations as such would be safer when long-range engagements are taking place, without any possibility of visual ID.
The IFF systems procurement procedure resulting in the conclusion of the aforesaid agreement has been going on since August 2020.