Polish State Fire Service Receives First Heavy Mobile Robots

Polish State Fire Service took delivery of three heavy mobile robots. The platforms have been designed to carry out reconnaissance and provide countermeasures against the CBRN threat. These robots are the first systems of this kind operated by the Polish firemen.
The delivery was carried out by the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements [PIAP] working together with the Zeszuta Sp. z o.o. company. The aforesaid companies acted as a single consortium. The order concerned three equipment sets, including robots and platform containers, the purpose of which would be to carry the CBRN agents. Each of the sets includes the following elements: heavy CRBN reconnaissance robot (IBIS mobile robot) coupled with a CBRN accessory kit, PIAP Multistriker system, containers for carrying radioactive materials, portable X-Ray system and a pick-up truck.
The six wheels IBIS mobile platform with its independent all wheel drive has been equipped with a CBRN accessory kit. The whole system makes it possible to acquire laboratory samples, detect and measure radiation values, draw and store liquid samples and provide the user with a contamination measurements map.
Alongside the IBIS robot, the packages also feature CBRN accessories, as follows:
- Environmental swab used to acquire samples for laboratory analysis by swabbing the objects that could gather the unknown substances,
- Ground sampler for sampling the contaminated surfaces (ground, sand, ice, etc.), preventing the robot from getting contaminated,
- R-Sensor (EKO-C) for radiation detection and measurements. It is possible to control the radiometer and display the results via the console,
- SPME Adsorber used to acquire chemical particles from the air and liquids,
- Modular liquid samplers used to acquire and store liquid samples with the use a couple of types of sampling units,
- Accessories military-grade tablet console, equipped with a communications module used to provide wireless control with regards to the CBRN accessories and to display the sensor readings,
- GPS module allowing the user to be aware where the data sampling took place.
PIAP Multistriker is another device delivered by the Institute during the procurement procedure in question. The system may be used to break windows or hinges, or to cut bars, cables, locks or chains. The accessory in question is installed on the robot or is separated and operated autonomously on an independent tripod.
The procured equipment would be used by specialized chemical and ecological rescue units of the fire brigades in Warsaw, Katowice and Poznan. The robots would offer support for the Polish firemen during rescue operations, through out the set objective is to diminish or get rid of direct threat caused by substances that can pose a hazard to people, animals, environment or property.
PIAP also announced that the new IBIS robot belonging to the fire brigades would be showcased, along with the dedicated CBRN accessory kit, between 24th and 26th April, during the SAWO 2018 exhibition in Poznan (International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment).