Strona główna
Polish System for Maritime Transport Management

Zarząd Morskiego Portu Gdansk S.A. [Management Board of the Polish Gdansk Sea Port], Zarząd Portów Morskich Szczecin i Świnoujście S.A. [Management Board of the Szczecin and Świnoujście Sea Ports] and the PGZ System Sp. z o.o company have signed a limited liability company deed for the Polski PCS Sp. z o. o. company. The said entity has been established to implement the PCS system, the purpose of which to work with the domestic maritime entities and optimize, automate and control the shipping processes.
On 14th September 2017, at the Polish Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Inland Navigation, an agreement has been signed bringing a Polski PCS Sp. z o. o. company to life. The partners, within the entity created, include Zarząd Morskiego Portu Gdańsk S.A, Zarząd Morskich Portów Szczecin i Świnoujście S.A. oraz PGZ System Sp. z o.o.
The main intent encompassed within the agreement signed is to expand the cooperation with other entities of the maritime industry. The company is going to develop, implement and maintain the Polish Port Community System, dedicated for the Polish ports.
PCS system is going to optimize, automate and optimally control the shipping processes. These tasks are to be carried out through gathering and fusing supply chain data and information.