Armed Forces
Radmor Backpack Radios for the Polish Military

The Armament Inspectorate of the Polish MoD has signed an agreement with the WB Group’s Radmor S.A. company, concerning delivery of RRC-9211 backpack-form-factor VHF radios.
The deliveries are expected to be finalized by 30th June 2022. The value of the guaranteed portion of the agreement is defined as PLN 27.9 million.
The agreement concerns the delivery of the VHF RRC-9211 backpack radios with extra equipment. The order awarded included 197 RRC-9211 kits in total, including 192 as a guaranteed portion of the agreement with possible optional procurement of another 5 kits with extras.
The RRC-9211 VHF simplex radios belonging to the PR4G F@STNET system provide the user with secure and jamming-resistant (COMSEC, TRANSEC) audio communications and data transfer within a narrow-band channel. The radios work within the frequency range from 30 to 87.975 MHz. RRC-9211 is designed for network use and to conduct radio communications at the tactical level, starting from a platoon.