Teldat Receives Award from Raytheon

TELDAT company was granted „EPIC Award” by Raytheon. Polish company provides American concern with components which are used in antimissile and antiaircraft PATRIOT system.
As it is emphasized by TELDAT, the company received a distinction in the frame of „2018 Raytheon Supplier Excellence Program”. It is an expression of very high recognition for supplier for its excellence in terms of performance, innovation, and collaboration. The distinction “EPIC Award” is granted once a year for entities delivering its products for Raytheon corporation companies.
The award was handed at the Enterprise Supplier Awards Gala which was held June 25 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. TELDAT noted that this is the subsequent award for company confirming the top quality and timely delivery performance. Earlier in May 2018 the company was granted “4-Star Supplier Excellence Award” by Raytheon IDS (Integrated Defense Systems).
The current distinction „EPIC Award” is even more significant, because it was granted to the Polish company by Raytheon Global. TELDAT was selected out from among tens of thousands Raytheon Global suppliers around the world delivering its products and services for all Raytheon companies of this big American corporation. In the company press release is underlined that TELDAT is the first Polish entity awarded „EPIC Award”.
TELDAT provides components which are used in anti-missile and anti-aircraft PATRIOT system. TELDAT solutions today are utilizing in a few countries having Patriot system. They are also prepared to be implemented in others. The previous information shows that it is for elements of communication systems coming from Network Centric Data Communication Platform JASMINE.