WZE S.A. Have Entered Into an Agreement with ELBIT Systems EW and SIGINT – Elisra Ltd.

On the second day of the International Defence Industry Exhibition Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne S.A. [Military Electronic Works] have signed an cooperation agreement with ELBIT Systems EW and SIGINT, regarding the Electronic Warfare (EW) systems and electronic Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) – Elisra Ltd.
WZE S.A. and Elisra are starting cooperation in the areas of Electronic Warfare (EW) and signals intelligence (SIGINT).
The agreement does also include Command Intelligence systems (COMINT) and other products, designed for various use within the Polish Armed Forces or other customers in the country. The signed agreement allows both companies to launch cooperation in the areas of: research, design, development, as well as manufacturing, production, integration, as well as support and maintenance of the electronic warfare products and systems.