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Dardziński: The Polish Ministry of Defence Collaborates with the Entire Łukasiewicz Research Network
On 31st July this year, a letter of intent was signed by and between the Polish MoD and the Łukasiewicz Research Network. The MoD was represented by Minister Mariusz Błaszczak. Piotr Dardziński, President at the Łukasiewicz Research Network represented the research entity. The memorandum of understanding signed is aimed at harmonization of planning in the field of scientific research and R&D with the programming of the development of the Polish military. Secondly, the project is expected to synchronize the collaboration between the Polish MoD and industry and academia. This is to accelerate the project development, thanks to better utilization of the potential that the research entities that are a part of the Łukasiewicz research network have.
President Dardziński told us that 9 out of 19 projects showcased by Łukasiewicz have been designated for further implementation by the MoD. The projects in question would utilize different forms of financing. Three programmes that are the most advanced include HF transistors based on the GaN technology, designed for radar applications, new artillery shell steel manufacturing processes, and nitrocellulose technology that utilizes the domestic cellulose propellant production.